Why did you select Dr. Rodriguez and our office for your surgery?
Por lo bueno de su trabajo
Ricardo L. Rodriguez MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon, has a reputation built on results and trust. Read what over 500 clients say about their cosmetic surgery procedures in their patient reviews.
Why did you select Dr. Rodriguez and our office for your surgery?
Por lo bueno de su trabajo
Why did you select Dr. Rodriguez and our office for your surgery?
His credentials & reviews.
Why did you select Dr. Rodriguez and our office for your surgery?
Recommended by family & I liked the before and after pics of his work.
Why did you select Dr. Rodriguez and our office for your surgery?
Porque tiene la tecnica de las canulas pequenas.
Y’all were wonderful TY!
Why did you select Dr. Rodriguez and our office for your surgery?
I felt a positive energy from our initial meeting
Best place ever!
Why did you select Dr. Rodriguez and our office for your surgery?
Porque me parecion buen doctor
Why did you select Dr. Rodriguez and our office for your surgery?
Family recommendation
Why did you select Dr. Rodriguez and our office for your surgery?
Good reviews and results
Why did you select Dr. Rodriguez and our office for your surgery?
Por que es un exceleute doctor con mucha experiencia
Why did you select Dr. Rodriguez and our office for your surgery?
Because he's the best!
OR staff was great however there was a nurse that was standoffish & instead of being w/the patient (me) she sat on her phone & discussed her plans for the weekend. I also found it to be a lot inappropriate to use her phone in the OR, a sterile environment.
Why did you select Dr. Rodriguez and our office for your surgery?
Close to home
Why did you select Dr. Rodriguez and our office for your surgery?