Brazilian Butt Lift & Tummy Tuck Combination

This patient in her 40s opted for a Tummy tuck along with a Brazilian Butt lift to give her figure the look she was after. With IV Sedation, this combination can be safely performed together and the transformation achieved is dramatic since the tummy tuck enhances the effect of the BBL. This patient underwent two operative sessions approximately two years apart for a combined total of approximately 7200 cc of fat was removed from her abdomen, flanks, scapular area, inner thighs, and upper arms with approximately 1050 cc of processed fat reinjected for her bbl.

fat injected> 900 cc each side
fat removed4000 cc and greater
recovery time2-3 Weeks
before and after a bbl and tt combination
Before and after a Brazilian Butt Lift / Tummy Tuck combination surgery. (Posterior angled view.)
before and after a brazilian butt lift and tummy tuck combination procedure
Before and after a Brazilian Butt Lift / Tummy Tuck combination surgery. (Posterior view.)

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Patients depicted in our before and after galleries have provided their written consent to display their photos online. Every patient is unique, and surgical results may vary. Please contact us if you have any questions.