Plastic surgery Body enhancement articles

In his articles about Body Contouring procedures, Dr. Ricardo L. Rodriguez, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon, discusses Tummy Tuck, Body lift, and Liposuction techniques, incision placement, compression garments, and recovery.

  • Can a Tummy tuck be performed with a Brazilian butt lift?

    Woman wearing a nude compression garment after tummy tuck and Brazilian butt lift surgery, gently holding her abdomen.

    “Can I have another procedure at the same time as the Brazilian butt lift?” The answer is yes and no. A Tummy tuck can be safely combined with the Brazilian butt lift to give a great result. However, combining the butt lift with breast aug is usually not advisable. Watch this video by Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez, a Yale trained Plastic Surgeon.

  • Tummy tuck anesthesia makes a big difference | Tumescent local vs. General anesthesia

    A photo zoomed in on the hand of a patient while an anesthesia is being applied.

    In many plastic surgery forums I always see the question – ‘Can a tummy tuck can be performed with something other than General Anesthesia’? The good news is YES – you can have a tummy tuck with IV Sedation. Instead of general anesthesia, I use local tumescent anesthesia with IV sedation. This type of anesthesia is highly preferable compared to general anesthesia and I want to explain why. With General anesthesia , a machine is breathing for you and you have a tube down your throat or nose. With IV anesthesia you are breathing on your own and there is no tube in your throat or nose. Recovery from IV sedation is also much easier with IV sedation compared to General anesthesia. Most people experience much less nausea with IV sedation.

  • Removing excess skin after weight loss

    Dr. Ricardo L. Rodriguez in the operation room.

    The Body lift procedure removes excess skin from the stomach, hips, and buttocks. Patients who have experienced a large weight loss (from Ozempic, Wegovy, Semaglutide or Tirzepatide, or from Gastic surgery) are the typical candidates for the procedure. The Body lift is a Tummy tuck, an outer thigh lift, and a buttock lift performed in the same operative session.

  • Body lift surgical markings and technique

    A photo of a patient's body, showing her body before and after a body lift procedure.

    Getting the best results for a Body lift is a function of  the surgeon’s surgical markings, and taking out the right amounts of fat and skin. Surgical markings will seal the fate of how the wound is closed. Taking out too much fat and skin can be a big problem for the closure. If the top layer closer is too tight, the wound will separate post operatively. I believe that the Lockwood technique provides the best method for excising precisely the right amount of fat and skin.

  • Liposuction to love handles and flanks

    A photo of a patient's lower body, showing the areas (love handles) the liposuction procedure will improve.

    Lipo to the love handles means different things to different plastic surgeons. Many surgeons consider liposuction to the love handles as just liposuction to the front flanks. They do not take any fat from the backside. Lipo to the full flanks is lipo to the love handles and liposuction to the back flanks. The back flanks is the area immediately above the buttocks.

  • Body lift – How to reduce risks

    Before and after photos from patients who have had a body lift

    The average amount of operating room time required for the Lower body lift procedure is 7-8 hours and it can be performed under general anesthesia or IV sedation. With the procedure taking so long, it is normal to ask yourself these questions: ‘How can risks be reduced with a Body lift?”, “Can the choice of anesthesia reduce the risks?”

  • How to control postoperative swelling after Tummy tuck

    An illustration showing postoperative swelling stages.

    In my previous blog post about postoperative Tummy tuck swelling I talked about how the blood supply is disrupted to different degrees using the two different types of Tummy tuck techniques (standard vs. Lockwood). In summary, the more skin that is elevated and separated from the muscle layer, the more blood supply disruption you have. On this post we will address swelling of the tissues after Tummy tuck and why compression garments following surgery are important to reduce swelling. The body is made mostly of water, and there is a constant fluid leakage from the tissues balanced by reuptake of fluid into the lymphatic drainage system. When the lymphatic system is impaired, we get fluid accumulations. The fluid can accumulate between the tissues as interstitial fluid (like a soaked sponge), or outside of the tissues as a seroma (like a sac of fluid). It can also accumulate at some distance from the operative site, usually the upper thighs or legs. The drawing illustrates the various types of fluid accumulation following surgery. As you move from left to right on the illustration you have increasing swelling to result in these conditions: