Board-Certified, American Board of Plastic Surgery Founder, Ricardo L. Rodriguez MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon Medical Director, Cosmetic Surgery Facility, LLC
Dr. Ricardo L. Rodriguez, a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon with a state-of-the-art Surgical Center in Baltimore, shares his expertise in the science of beauty. Trained at Yale, where he also served as a Professor of Plastic Surgery, Dr. Rodriguez offers trusted guidance on Buttock, Body, Breast, and Face enhancements.
Twilight anesthesia, or intravenous (IV) anesthesia, can be used for both short (2-hour) surgeries as well as for longer, multiple-procedure cosmetic surgery cases. I prefer twilight anesthesia because it offers several advantages over general anesthesia, one of which is the quicker recovery time for the patient immediately following the surgery.
There seems to be a lot of confusion about the different technologies plastic surgeons today are using for liposuction. Are the new technologies like Laser Lipo and Ultrasonic Lipo as good as all the hype? In this video, I discuss the differences and explain why I prefer Tumescent liposuction with thin cannulas for achieving the best possible results.
In this video, I talk about my passion for stem cells from fat tissue, particularly, their potential in reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. While it is a relatively well-known fact that stem cells can be derived from human embryos, what plastic surgeons are discovering now is that we don’t lose all of them during development. We still have them in our fat tissue.
If you are considering Rhinoplasty to change the shape of your nose, communication is key. I find that sometimes the surgeon and the patient do not speak the same language when it comes to talking about noses in particular. Explaining what you want from your nose job in ways that are more meaningful to your surgeon can help you get the final results you’re after.
Cosmetic Surgery with No Pain? Believe it or not, it’s possible. Pain pumps do reduce pain after surgery and in this video, I talk about the cost and the benefits as well as demonstrate exactly how the pain pump works.
In this video, to present a cautionary tale for those seeking perfection from their cosmetic surgery results, I discuss how Rhinoplasty can become an uneasy marriage between beauty and oxygen supply by looking at Michael Jackson’s changing appearance and breathing problems.
A rejuvenated facial appearance can be achieved in many patients by using a combination of Botox injections and Facial fillers such as Juvederm, Restylane, and Sculptra. I routinely combine multiple procedures in the same operative session, and years ago I realized that combining botox and facial fillers fit the needs and desired results for some patients. This technique is called the Liquid Facelift.
Liposuction is a procedure that extracts fat from targeted areas of the body resulting in surprisingly dramatic body contour changes. It is the most commonly performed plastic surgery procedure and there are several Liposuction techniques based on the amount of anesthetic injected into the tissues, the method used to suction the fat, and the size of the cannula used (A cannula is the long, slender rod which is used to extract the fat).
What makes a Lip pretty? While beauty is in the eye of the beholder, two characteristics are found to be common to beautiful lips. Whether fleshy or thin, beautiful lips are often defined by a nice cupid’s bow and by having the perfect amount of space between the base of the nose and the top of the upper lip.
Besides a Facelift, there are several options for treating the signs of an aging face. As our dermis thins, facial skin loosens, and wrinkles develop, many patients seeking short-term results turn to Botox. For patients who are not interested in a Facelift, but want long-lasting results, the alternatives are Laser skin resurfacing or Fat grafting.
Dr. Todd Hobelmann is one of the board-certified anesthesiologists who works with us here at Cosmeticsurg in Baltimore. In this video, he talks about the anesthetic that they perform here for most of our surgical cases.
In this video, I talk more about Fat transfer, specifically, how long fat grafts last. If you frequent various plastic surgery blogs and portals, you might be aware there is a wide variation in the types of techniques that surgeons are using. Thus, there is a wide variation in their results and a wide variation in their opinions about whether fat injections are permanent.
In this video I talk about the reasons why I often find myself recommending fat grafts to the cheek, and to the face, when patients come to me wanting a rejuvenation of the face… wanting to, in general, look younger. Fat grafts, also known as Fat transfer or Fat injections, are a great way to rejuvenate the face.
The most natural way to rejuvenate and refresh the eye area is often to lift the brow so that the upper eyelids resume their natural, youthful position. When we age, the brow droops such that it crowds down on the upper eyelids. Often people feel like they have excess skin in the eyelids when, in fact, it’s the brow that’s causing the feeling.
If you are considering breast augmentation, don’t get too focused on a particular implant size, they also come in different configurations. You have a body type that’s your own and although you might want a 350cc implant, for example, the moderate profile might be better suited for you, or the high profile, and you just might have to go up or down a size depending on which profile you pick and your desired result. The size of the implant will play a role, but implant types and placement are of just as much importance in your decision-making process!