Do I need a regular or extended tummy tuck?

In this video Dr. Rodriguez delves into the key differences between regular and extended tummy tuck scars, illustrating his points with real patient before and after photos to help guide you in choosing the right procedure for your desired goals.

A regular Tummy Tuck, also known as an abdominoplasty, involves an incision that extends from one hip bone to the other across the front of the abdomen. In medical terminology, this incision goes from the iliac crest to the iliac crest. This procedure is ideal for individuals looking to tighten the abdominal muscles and remove excess skin primarily in the front abdominal area.

However, for those with loose skin extending beyond the hip bones, an Extended Tummy Tuck may be more suitable. This procedure involves a longer incision that extends beyond the hip bones and can even extend around the lower back. The length and position of the extended incision depend on the amount of skin that needs to be tightened and the overall body contouring goals.

Dr. Rodriguez explains in the video how the Extended Tummy Tuck not only removes excess skin but also enhances the contour of the waist and buttocks. By extending the scar laterally (to each side), the procedure can significantly improve the definition of the waist and hips, contributing to a more desirable hourglass figure. The Extended Tummy Tuck oftentimes gives the buttocks a perkier look. Additionally, the use of advanced liposuction techniques with small cannulas and minimal skin removal ensures fine, well-healed scars with minimal tension and optimal blood supply, preventing broad and unsightly scars.

For some patients with a lot of loose skin above the posterior flank/buttock area, the Extended Tummy Tuck becomes more of a Lateral Thigh Lift, as the incision goes even further.

Regular Tummy Tuck

  • The regular Tummy Tuck focuses on the front abdominal area, tightening the rectus diastasis muscle and removing excess skin to create a flatter, firmer abdomen.
  • The incision of the regular Tummy Tuck is from the anterior iliac crest to the anterior iliac crest.
  • This procedure is ideal for individuals with weakened muscles and excess skin confined to the front of the abdomen, often after pregnancy or moderate weight loss.

Extended Tummy Tuck

  • The Extended Tummy Tuck does everything that the regular Tummy Tuck does, but the incision is extended further laterally (to each side) to take out loose skin at the hips.
  • The incision for the Extended Tummy Tuck will go to the mid-axillary line, or further out to the posterior axillary line. Patients should confirm with their doctors which anatomical marker the incision will go to. The mid-axillary line is an imaginary anatomical landmark line drawn from the midpoint of your armpit going vertically downward. The part of the torso in the back section of this line is referred to as the posterior axillary line.
  • Extended Tummy Tuck offers more extensive contouring than a regular tummy tuck, and can additionally provide some lifting of the buttocks.
  • The Extended Tummy Tuck is especially beneficial for those who have undergone significant weight loss with loose skin not only at the abdomen but over the hip area.

Tummy Tuck with Lateral Thigh Lift

  • If there is loose skin not only at the hips but around the back side of the patient, the Tummy Tuck with the Lateral Thigh Lift is a good solution.
  • The Tummy Tuck with the Lateral Thigh Lift is an alternative to having a complete Body Lift in which the incision goes the full 360 degrees around. If a patient does not need skin removed above the gluteal cleft (the butt crack) the Lateral Thigh Lift is a good option.
  • The Lateral Thigh Lift incision goes past the posterior axillary anatomical marker. The Lateral Thigh Lift incision does not join over the buttocks crease as it does in the Body Lift, but stops inches before the gluteal cleft.

Considering a tummy tuck and unsure which option is best for you?

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Rodriguez to discuss your goals and find out whether a regular or extended tummy tuck is the right choice for you. Contact us now to start your journey towards a more confident you!

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Hi, I’m Doctor Ricardo Rodriguez.

I want to talk to you a little bit about how I choose between a regular tummy tuck versus an extended tummy tuck.

Now, let’s take a patient like this. Usually, my regular tummy tuck scar goes from the anterior iliac crest, which is a bony prominence right here, and on the opposite side, you can feel it with your hands.

And that’s usually coincident with what we call the anterior axillary line, and because it comes from the axilla here all the way down. And that’s a normal anatomical landmark that we use for a lot of things.

Now, on her, obviously, there’s a lot more to take out, right, so I have to take out more skin to the side.

So then we turn the patient over to the side to make our plan, and then we again have our landmarks, the anterior axillary line, the posterior axillary line – because it’s at the posterior end of the axilla, and then the mid axillary line.

Whenever you want to tighten somewhere, like for example, if I want to tighten here, I have to extend my scar to eliminate the possibility of creating what’s called a dog ear.

So usually, when I want to tighten around here and take out this fold, I will have to extend my scar anywhere along this point.

And again, here it could be anywhere, there’s no definite point; but what it does do is it allows me to tighten the skin.

And that is how I choose between a normal tummy tuck and an extended tummy tuck – where I’m going to be tightening up more skin laterally.

Thank you.

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