What type of incision should you get for your Breast augmentation procedure? In addition to the implant size this is another very important decision that you need to make. It seems to me when I ask a patient whether they have a preference as to what kind of breast incision they want, the most common answer is that they want the type of incision that they have seen on a friend. Likewise, the second most common comment is “I don’t want such and such incision because somebody I know had one and it looks bad”. The truth is every type of incision has its pros and cons. Here is my explanation of the types of Breast augmentation incisions…
CosmeticSurg blog: Expert insights from Dr. Ricardo L. Rodriguez
Dr. Ricardo L. Rodriguez, a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon in Baltimore, Maryland shares his expertise and vast career experiences with various plastic surgery procedures. In his articles Dr. Rodriguez offers trusted guidance on elective surgery, helping you make informed decisions on how to look and feel your best.
Breast surgery: What type of scar do I get with different breast techniques?
I have been looking at some of the breast implant forums, and there are a lot of issues related to breast scars. It seems most surgeons use the Wise pattern, or Anchor scar, and some use the Benelli scar. A few surgeons use the Vertical scar or the Crescent scar. I use all of these breast techniques, except the Wise pattern scar. I feel that the Wise pattern technique makes unnecessary scars.
How do I get more cleavage with my breast implants?
A lot of patients who come in for a Breast augmentation or a Breast lift with implants consult will usually make a comment about cleavage. Some patients don’t want “that fake look,” yet others specifically ask for “a lot of cleavage.” It helps when patients bring in pictures, because cleavage is one of those words that, like “natural look,” can have different meanings to different people. In this post I will talk about cleavage, and how it is related to surgical technique and patient anatomy.The word cleavage is derived from the word cleft. According to the Merriam Webster online dictionary… cleft : usually V-shaped indented formation : a hollow between ridges or protuberances The misunderstanding between plastic surgeon and patient comes from knowing which end of the “V” we are talking about. Does the patient want upper pole fullness, which is prominent at the upper part of the breasts? Does the patient want medial cleavage, which is breasts that are close together at the midline? Or is it both upper pole fullness and medial cleavage? The surgeon has two surgical methods to improve cleavage with breast implants.
Breast lift scar options
What type of scar will you get with a Breast lift procedure? This is a very common question, and an important question that all patients should discuss with their plastic surgeon prior to having surgery. Any procedure that lifts the breast will require the surgeon to make an incision and that incision will leave a scar on your breast. In most cases, the scar will eventually fade and the positive aesthetic outcome of the ‘lifted’ breast will far surpass the remnants of a scar.
Breast implant selection: Should you choose moderate or high profile implants?
If you are considering Breast augmentation, don’t get too focused on a particular implant size. The shape of the implant will also play a big role in your implant selection! Watch Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez explain what the difference is between a 350cc high profile implant vs. a 350cc moderate profile implant. Dr. Rodriguez is a Yale trained, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who has been in practice for over 20 years. Ask questions about implant selection at his Cosmeticsurg blog.
Tubular (Tuberous) breast shape – How to correct with implants
Tubular breast deformity is a condition where the breasts have the shape of cylindrical tubes. Dr. Rodriguez, a Yale trained plastic surgeon, explains how this can be corrected with a certain type of implant and incision. Read about it in his Cosmeticsurg blog.
Health care reform 2.0: lowering health care costs with no taxpayer costs
For months, we have been hearing the debate on ways to reduce healthcare costs. Thus far, nearly everything introduced requires vast amount of government expenditures and seriously upsets people who actually like the health care plan that they currently have. It is astounding that THE most important way to lower health care cost rarely , if ever, gets discussed. So how do we lower health care costs? As the Governor of Minnesota would say—prepare to be dazzled.
Cosmetic surgery trends for 2010 – Fat is phat!
The year 2010 ushers in a new decade where science , beauty, and your own fat make a marriage that promises to deliver one of the most disruptive medical technologies of the century. Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez, a Yale trained Plastic Surgeon believes that stem cells from your own fat will lead the cosmetic surgery trends.
Breast augmentation with IV anesthesia – a safer and better choice
The choice of anesthesia for Breast Augmentation are either General Anesthesia or IV anesthesia. With IV anesthesia the recovery is very quick, less nausea, and no lousy feeling the days after surgery. In addition, the risk of getting a blood clot or pulmonary embolism is almost eliminated.
Breast augmentation: Where do breast implants get inserted?
Most Breast augmentation patients are very focused on breast implant size. While that is important, it is only one of the 8 decisions you need to make before having a Breast augmentation procedure. I think that the choice of implant incision location is a very important decision that you should discuss with your plastic surgeon in your pre-operative appointment. In my own Baltimore practice, I always discuss the choice of incision location with patients before the procedure. The incision location is where the breast implant is inserted. Therefore, it is the location where you will have a small scar. In most cases, the scar is barely noticeable, but in any event you should KNOW where your implants will be inserted.
Breast Lift – What is a Crescent Lift Mastopexy?
The Crescent lift mastopexy is a surgical technique used when only a minimal Breast lift is needed. It avoids a lot of scars, yet lifts the breast to result in a perky breast. Read about it this Breast lift technique performed by Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez in Baltimore.
How much does Breast augmentation cost in Baltimore, Maryland?
Patients who call our office looking for Breast augmentation information are usually also gathering total surgical cost prices as well as financing information. This week, our office did a little bit of secret shopping to find out what the average cost of a Breast augmentation procedure costs in Baltimore. Remember that Breast augmentation total costs depend on whether you select silicone or saline Implants. We compared costs of both.
Brazilian butt lift or B’more butt lift?
There are two ways to enhance the appearance of the buttocks that include the usage of Liposuction techniques. They are the Brazilian butt lift and the B’more butt lift. The B’more butt lift is a refined version of Lipo 360. The Brazilian Butt Lift involves liposuction of your entire torso and then injection of the fat into the buttocks. Both procedures will improve the shape of the buttocks.
Body lift surgical markings and technique
Getting the best results for a Body lift is a function of the surgeon’s surgical markings, and taking out the right amounts of fat and skin. Surgical markings will seal the fate of how the wound is closed. Taking out too much fat and skin can be a big problem for the closure. If the top layer closer is too tight, the wound will separate post operatively. I believe that the Lockwood technique provides the best method for excising precisely the right amount of fat and skin.
Body lift – How to reduce risks
The average amount of operating room time required for the Lower body lift procedure is 7-8 hours and it can be performed under general anesthesia or IV sedation. With the procedure taking so long, it is normal to ask yourself these questions: ‘How can risks be reduced with a Body lift?”, “Can the choice of anesthesia reduce the risks?”