As a senior (a little over 60 years old) I had given continued thought and prayer to having Breast reduction surgery for a number of years (at least 30 or more). In the past few years the thought and prayers became more and more on my mind and approximately 2 years ago I went as far as having a consultation with a plastic surgeon. I don’t know if it was my frame of mind or exactly what all the reasons were, but I was not comfortable with the surgeon, his staff, or even the thought of continuing on with this surgery. I didn’t go back for a 2nd visit…
CosmeticSurg blog: Expert insights from Dr. Ricardo L. Rodriguez
Dr. Ricardo L. Rodriguez, a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon in Baltimore, Maryland shares his expertise and vast career experiences with various plastic surgery procedures. In his articles Dr. Rodriguez offers trusted guidance on elective surgery, helping you make informed decisions on how to look and feel your best.
Can a Tummy tuck be performed with a Brazilian butt lift?
“Can I have another procedure at the same time as the Brazilian butt lift?” The answer is yes and no. A Tummy tuck can be safely combined with the Brazilian butt lift to give a great result. However, combining the butt lift with breast aug is usually not advisable. Watch this video by Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez, a Yale trained Plastic Surgeon.
Tummy tucks: How to reduce swelling and eliminate fluid collections (seromas)
Dr. Rodriguez explains how Abdominoplasty surgical techniques influence blood supply disruption and post-operative swelling, so let’s take a look at how that plays into reducing swelling and eliminating fluid collections.
Tummy tuck complications – Infection, wound separation, seroma, hematoma
There have been several comments recently on one of my previous blog posts about Tummy tuck swelling. While swelling is a definite concern, it’s only one of the possible complications following Abdominoplasty. Other complications can include infection, wound separation, and fluid collections. Be sure to discuss these things with your plastic surgeon prior to your surgery.
How long is the Tummy tuck recovery?
The most common question we get about Tummy Tuck recovery in my Baltimore practice is ‘How much time off work do I need?’ The answer is 2-3 weeks. If you have an office job, you can resume WFH computer type work in week 3. You can go into work in week 3, but no driving until the end of week 3.
Improving the cosmetic surgery experience: Pain pumps or Exparel to control pain
Exparel is a long acting local anesthetic which is injected into the operative area at the end of the procedure. Like the pain pump, it focuses just on the operative area, and does not disseminate to the entire body like a narcotic does. The function of the Exparel is to numb the area of surgery so you do not feel pain. With cosmetic surgery, patients only need the one injection, and the pain control lasts for about 3 days. Similar to the pain pump, patients take fewer narcotics post operatively, because the pain is more controlled.
Mini Tummy tuck
I’m sitting here waiting for my next case, a Mini Tummy Tuck. It is a natural tendency to want maximum results for minimal effort. That is why the words “mini facelift”, mini this and that, are so popular today. The main thing to remember about these procedures is that they are limited versions of the original procedure designed for patients with a minimal defect. Be aware that mini procedures can also mean mini results. Not everybody is a candidate, but some are.
Tummy tuck with no visible scars is a rectus diastasis repair
I asked the patient if he be interested in a procedure to tighten the muscles that was not described anywhere in the literature (this was early 90’s!) but that I could perform a surgery using techniques I was comfortable with? He agreed, signed the informed consent, and I did the procedure by making an incision around the belly button for access to the deeper tissues. The procedure went so well I immediately felt bad for all those patients on whom I had done a traditional incision to treat this problem. So if I could do this going above the belly button, why not do it for muscle separations below the belly button?
What does the Mommy makeover do?
The Mommy makeover is a combination of cosmetic surgery procedures done at the same time to address the changes in the body after pregnancy. Each Mommy makeover is customized to your concerns. However, the Mommy makeover should address 3 main issues: the breast , stomach, and upper body changes.
Pain pumps: Cosmetic surgery with minimal pain
Plastic surgery doesn’t have to be painful. If you are having a cosmetic surgery procedure ask your plastic surgeon about pain pumps. These types of pumps use local anesthetics, not narcotics. Pain pumps eliminate pain, reduce nausea, and result in much quicker recovery.
Flat stomach: More exercise or a Tummy tuck?
How do you achieve a flat stomach? Do you need more exercise or a Tummy tuck? Find out about the rectus abdominis muscle and how to perform a self examination of this muscle.
How do I choose between Tummy tuck and Liposuction?
The question of whether to have a Tummy tuck or Liposuction is a very common one from my Baltimore patients. The two procedures address different problems. Liposuction deals only with fatty tissues, whereas Tummy tuck deals with muscle, skin, and fat. If you have loose skin, liposuction will not address this. Some patients are candidates for liposuction only, some for Tummy tuck only, and some could have either procedure, depending on their priorities.
What do Tummy tuck scars look like?
If you are considering a Tummy Tuck you should find out exactly where the surgeon will place the incisions. The incision will determine what the scar looks like. Two types of incisions are made for the Tummy tuck: 1) horizontal and 2) belly button. The horizontal incision should be as low as possible ,and the belly button incision should be more similar to an inverted “U”.
Compression garments for Liposuction and Tummy tuck
Following a Liposuction or Tummy Tuck procedure, the wearing of a compression garment should be a mandatory part of your post operative instructions. A medical grade compression garment will not only help give you smooth surgical results, but it can also eliminate the need for drains following a Liposuction procedure.
Avoiding thick Tummy tuck scars
Many patients are afraid of the Tummy tuck procedure because they have seen friends’ scars or pictures of scars on the internet. Some patients including Hispanic, Asians, or African Americans think they are bound to get thick scars simply based on their ethnic background. This is just not so. Thick or unsightly scars following abdominoplasty can be easily avoided. In addition , your incision can be placed well below the panty line.