How long do Fat grafts last?

An illustration of a calender.

Several people have asked me if fat grafts are permanent. They keep reading from other sources that fat grafts are not permanent or that they may need another procedure.

In my experience, when done correctly, fat grafts are permanent, and I have yet to do a second procedure to add more fat in any of my patients.

This is because of the way fat is harvested and the choice of sites for harvesting fat are crucial to the success of the Brazilian butt lift or any other Fat injection procedure.

Fat harvesting, processing, injection, grafting and choice of harvest site

1) The fat has to be aspirated properly with the correct pressure

Higher pressure suction disrupts and kills a certain percentage of fat cells. For this reason, I use a manual syringe technique, because the pressure generated by a syringe is much lower than that generated by a suction machine. Thus, right from the start, I have a higher chance of success.

Is there an advantage to using a regular suction machine? Yes, it’s quicker and is less taxing to the surgeon. But its worse for the fat cells.

So–If you hear of somebody doing a Brazilian butt lift in less than four hours, chances are the grafts may not take and his patients are coming back for touch ups.

2) The fat has to be processed properly, and the tumescent solution removed

I let the fat sit in a cool environment (slows down the fat cell metabolism) so the tumescent fluid separates from the fat. This tumescent fluid should not be injected with the fat.

Then the fat is transferred to smaller syringes where it is then put in a centrifuge. The centrifuge has to spin long enough to separate fluid and contents of dead and disrupted cells from the remaining live cells, but not so long as to disrupt live cells.

We then separate the live fat cells from the body fluid and contents of disrupted cells by a decanting process which does not touch the live cells.

What is left is a slurry of almost 100% live fat cells. There are very little contaminants that may irritate the surrounding tissues. You want the recipient tissues to deal only with live cells, because any inflammation may end up destroying live cells.

3) The fat has to be injected properly

Think of the fat graft as a tender seedling that has to be planted in the ground, but instead of the roots growing out, the “roots” (blood vessels) from the surrounding tissues grow into the fat graft. If you inject a thick wad of fat cells, the cells in the center of the wad will starve before the blood vessels reach them.

Thus the fat grafts have to be injected with very fine needles in small quantities. This is a very painstaking and slow process. If you inject a lot at a time, many cells will not survive. Thus some surgeons may say “most of the fat got reabsorbed”, whereas in reality, most of the fat never took in the first place.

The postoperative period is as important as the surgery

I tell all my patients that they should not sit at all for three weeks after surgery. Think again of the tender seedlings. Once the fat grafts are in place, they are not likely to take root if they are being mashed on with all your body weight.

You want to keep those grafts completely free of pressure until blood vessels grow into them and until those vessels are hardy enough to withstand the pressure and shearing effects of sitting on them.

Wearing compression garments is very important, as they cut down swelling tremendously. When there is swelling, oxygen delivery and evacuation of toxins are impaired. This in turn reduces likelihood of fat graft cell survival.

In conclusion: Fat grafts are permanent when done correctly

If your surgeon follows the three steps, you should be getting a permanent fat transfer.

2024 UPDATE: I wrote this article in 2006, I have now been performing BBL’s for over 25 years! I am a board certified plastic surgeon, boarded by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, and I have been in practice for more than 30 years. I am also a member of the Gluteal Safety Task force, which issues recommendations for safe BBL procedures.

(originally published December 12, 2006)

Wondering if a Brazilian butt lift is right for you?

I am a board certified plastic surgeon, boarded by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and I have been in practice for more than 25 years. I am also a member of the Gluteal Safety Task force, which issues recommendations for safe Brazilian butt lift procedures. Contact Us to schedule your in-office or virtual consultation. Or just give us a call at 410-494-8100! Note: Virtual consults can also be used to get second opinions.

By Dr. Ricardo L. Rodriguez MD Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Cosmeticsurg Baltimore, Maryland Ricardo L. Rodriguez on American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

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172 thoughts on “How long do Fat grafts last?”

  • Liz says:

    Hi Dr. Rodriguez Let me explain. In 2014 I had a BBL and it came out good...the PS did not allow me to sit for 6wks and the results were good. Last year I had my dog ears on my TT removed and a little more lipo and the doctor decided to add some fat on my hips and the side off my butt. However, when i woke after the surgery i noticed i was laying on my back. I asked the doctor about that and he said that it was okay. Well, it's one year exactly and my butt looks weird and flat. Why would the doctors say it was ok. I look at his work and other women he's done but they look okay. Do you think it's my body or his instructions on me laying on my back. I'm very upset.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Liz: I have no idea because I don't know where he did the lipo and where he injected. This is what is most important in your case. Ask the Doctor specific details of where he did the lipo and where he injected the fat. Ask him what his rationale was. If you are still dissatisfied, you may need additional fat grafting or lipo to restore contour to your buttocks. For what its worth, all my patients are on their back when they wake up and sit on a wheelchair on transport to their car, but they lay on their stomach thereafter. I agree with your doctor it's not as crucial when you wake up or in recovery as these are short periods of time. Contact Leeza at or if interested in more info
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Leanne: No, for a simple reason. The fat grafts need to be free of pressure. To protect the breasts you lay on your back but that affects your butt. To protect your butt you have to lay on your chest, but that affects your breast grafts. I will have Kelly at
  • Jay says:

    Hi Doctor. I'm researching calf augmentation with fat which sounds better than silicone. But I'm a pretty skinny guy who's afraid I might not have enough fat around my gut and in other places. If there isn't enough fat are there any options except implants? Sounds kinda gross but can someone else's healthy excess fat be converted to work?
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Jay: Unfortunately other people's fat will not work. There may be enough fat in you to create a noticeable effect. I would need to see photos to see what could work. Contact Kelly at if you are interested.
  • Lindsay Espinoza says:

    Hi dr. I have really skinny veiny feet with no fat in them. I was wondering if it os possible to transfer fat to the top of the feet., and how long the recovery time would be.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Lindsay: It is indeed possible to transfer fat to the feet and I have done it. You should plan for a couple of weeks recovery, mostly keeping the legs elevated. It is well tolerated. Of course, your shoe size will probably change.
  • Leanne says:

    Would you recommend using breast pumps (Brava or Noogleberry) pre and post op for any fat transfer to breast? If yes, how long should you prep your breast pre op and how soon should you start using the breast pumps post op?
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Leanne: I know many surgeons who have used the pump, and many who don't. I don't. I think it adds extra cost and it is really a hassle to wear. Patients really have to be dedicated to wearing it for weeks.
  • Terri says:

    I'm very interested in a bbl. What areas of lipo are included in the bbl? I live in Ca. How soon after the procedure can you travel? Do you offer some type of specials for out of townwers? May I get a virtual consultation/quote for a bbl please?
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Terri: Thanks for getting in contact with us and my apologies for the delay in answering. I will contact Kelly at so she can set up a virtual consult. No matter who you go with, I can give you a lot of information in a virtual consultation. Looking forward to hearing from you!
  • Stephanie says:

    Can you take fat from the under arms & stomach safely to do this procedure? Also if I get fat taken from my stomach area, does this lower my ability to get pregnant? I'm highly curious & considering this procedure.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Stephanie: You do not have to worry about pregnancy. I will get Kelly at to contact you, she will be glad to give you more details and information.
  • Sarah says:

    Hello, I had fat transfer to my butt from tummy to fill in but the doctor did something to the bottom of my butt. I am round on the top but the bottom lost its roundness. Will it ever go back to the bottom being round?
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Sarah: It's hard for me to picture what you are saying. If you want some specific advice, we could do a virtual consult where I could look at pictures and give you an opinion based on facts.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Sarah: It's hard for me to picture what you are saying. If you want some specific advice, we could do a virtual consult where I could look at pictures and give you an opinion based on facts. I will have Kelly at get in contact with you if you are interested.
  • alexis says:

    Hi I'm interested in getting a fat transfer from abdomen to butt but I'm scared cause I heard weird stories about liposuction ...question is there a 50/50 chance that you can get hurt during the procedures ..
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Alexis: I have completed over 1,500 liposuction cases in our surgicenter without any problems. Liposuction can be done VERY safely with proper anesthesia, the right precautions and good technique. The choice of surgeon is extremely important.
  • Julie says:

    I have had fat cells injected in my buttocks in the past .. But my question is now i recently got diagnosed with diabetes . will that disease kill my fat cells in my buttocks ??? Im woried can someone answer that question pls
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Diabetes will not kill the fat cells injected into your buttocks. Don't worry about the fat in your buttocks! But do get into a nutritionist and try to control your diet as that Diabetes is a slow killer. Do worry about your weight if you are overweight because that is probably contributing a lot to the diabetes.
  • Glo says:

    I had a fat transfer to the said I could sit right away as long as I didn't sit directly on it. The next day after the procedure I sat for a period of total 5 hours. Would this affect me? As in not work?
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Glo: Sorry for the delay. How are things working out? Has the fat transfer survived well?
  • Nina says:

    Hi Dr. Rodriguez, I'm considering fat grafting to my lower legs (calf augmentation) however, I have always had very thin legs and I would like some fat to also be transfered to the lower thigh area as it is very thin as well. Can this be done? Is it a safe procedure? I know it is not a very common procedure so I would like to know if you have done transfers to the thigh and how likely is the fat to survive. Thank u for your time and I appreciate any information you could give me.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Nina: I have done fat grafting to practically every area of the body, including lower legs and inner thighs. It is not a common procedure, but yes it can be done. It is safe as long as it is done correctly and the patient follows instructions on the post operative period. Compression stockings are crucial in the post operative period. I'll let Kelly at know about you so the two of you can connect. Hope to hear from you soon!
  • Carlo Moreni says:

    //Dear Dr.Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez I had a fat transfer to my eyebrows. After that, 3 weeks later, i went back to work. My work is kind of "hardwork" for the face. I teach music and acting. I use facial muscles a lot. Do I have to be concerned that the fat doesn't stay in the eyebrows. I use a lot the muscles in the brows for different expressions. Thank you & best wishes Carlo Moreni//
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Carlo: Sorry for the delay in responding. By now it should be clear to you whether the grafts survived or not. In any case, technique does count a lot even in areas of muscle action. If your grafts have disappeared, inquire about the method used to isolate the graft.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Sean: We have done several males. Although not as popular a procedure amongst men, the males who got the procedure with us have been happy with it. Contact Kelly at for more info. Thanks for your interest
  • Erica says:

    Hey there how are you guys :) When You gain weight during pregnancy after you had a bbl, can you hit the gym and loose the "Gained fat " back to your new small waist from the BBL ??? I would love to get answers Thanks
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Erica: It depends on wether your muscles got separated during pregnancy. The condition is named Rectus Muscle diastasis and it is not uncommon after pregnancy. If it is present, you will need a surgery to sow the muscles together. Take a look at this blog post to see if you have rektusdiastase. Contact Kelly at if you want more info
  • Adriana says:

    Thanks for letting us see the pic. I'm interested in a bbl and loved what I saw. But I live in Los Angeles. :(
  • kd1108dot says:

    need help. I had a lift along with fat injections to help shape my behind. I'm really scared I just had surgery Monday it is now Thursday and I'm reading this. I have been wearing an open end casement but you think they are bad for the injections. I got out my spanks for now because I got scared. Also I have gone into my butt while sleeping and or to get out of bed I sit for a min to catch my breath. I'm very worried I'm messing things all up. I waited twenty years for this and saved. I can't afford for this not to work. Please any suggestions on garment how to get up with out sitting or falling asleep and rolling over. I'm not a stomach person at all so I'm really uncomfortable worried about the garment and swelling and all the drafts not taking because I'm not caring for things properly.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      kd1108dot: As much as I would like to help you, I am not familiar with your case. If you are anxious, you should really contact your Doctor. He would be more than happy to help you and reassure you. Relax, enjoy your new body!
  • Anonomous says:

    Do you ever come to LA to perform this procedure? If you don't do you know of any good drs that do this same brazillian butt lift the way you do with the fat grafting? I've been thinking about this a lot lately although Maryland is too far away from LA
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Anonymous: I do not go to LA to operate, but we get many patients from out of town. We get many from California. If you are interested, be sure to contact We'd love to hear from you!
  • Ashley says:

    Can you get a brazilian butt lift with fat injections even though you dont have much fat to lipo out of the body?
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Ashley: Yes! Remember, the Brazilian Butt Lift is as much a matter of proportion as it is sheer size. With a small waist it does not take much to create a pleasing curvy figure. Secondly, there is always a little more fat than you realize. The skinniest patient I did was 95 pounds, and I have done several in the 110-115 pound range. Contact Kelly at and she can give you more details
  • Andi says:

    I'm a M2F TG with a narrow pelvis & no fat on my hips especially over the hip bone socket area. If a patient has enough donor fat, how much can realistically be added to male pattern hips to widen them? How would the fat be supported without having a wide female pattern pelvis under it? Would the healed fat mimic a females hips in appearance & movement? Due to blood supply issues & healing effects, would multiple transfers be better for M2F TG patients, that require extra fat?
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Andi: I have done fat injection to the buttocks and hips for a few transgender patients. My take on this limited experience (probably more than anybody else) is that I can give you a great result for the buttocks on first try. For the hip area (called the greater throchanteric area) you will need a touch up procedure. The reason is that in order for the fat to survive it has to have enough tissue matrix into which it is injected. The first injection creates a good base and then on the second injection we can get more fat graft in and get you nearer to the result you want.
  • Janiece says:

    I would like to know if there have been any instances of patients having children and breast-feeding after a breast grafting procedure. I'm considering it, but I know I'd like to have children in the near future also. I wouldn't want to make that investment for naught, if the transferred fat would disintegrate right after breastfeeding.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Janiece: The fat that is injected behaves like the fat from the area it came from. So it will not behave like breast fat. If you would like to get some more info, kelly will be more than happy to contact you Merry Christmas!
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Terrie: Depends on what kind of fat grafting you are contemplating. For a small graft to the face not much is needed. For the breasts you need some more, but most people have enough, even if really slender. My skinniest patient was only 95 pounds. We can always find some fat. If you are interested we could set up a virtual consultation. Contact Kelly at we'd be happy to hear from you!
  • Khadijah Oliver says:

    I am pregnant and looking to have a fat transfer after I give birth I have a lot of fat on my arms and stomach, before pregnancy of course that is, I was wondering if I should lose weight before turn surgery, I was wondering if I sent pics could I have an estimated price on the procedure? Thank you in Advance!
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Khadijah: You do nit need to lose weight. I agree with you that if you send pictures we can set up a virtual consult and get all the details you need to know for surgery. Kelly should be calling you in a few days. If she doesn't contact you in a couple of days, let us know. You can also contact her at Thanks!
  • Alexa Carsella says:

    I'm interested in the breast fat grafts.. curious at in how long do they last the price and I would like to see some of your work if possible and where are you located.. thanks :)
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Hello Alexa: We are located in Baltimore, Maryland. Fat grafts are permanent when done correctly. The only caveat in the breast is that the augmentation is usually one cup size, not the as much as you could get with an implant. On the other hand the result is completely natural. I will let Kelly at know of your interest.
  • Rose trebino says:

    Dr. Rodriguez- Thank you for informative article re fat harvesting for butt lift. Are same principals true regarding fat implants becoming well established in face? I am under impression some areas of face where there is a lot of movement results in greater loss of implanted fat cells? Is this true? Rose
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Rose: It is true, fat grafts, like any other type of graft, don't do well in areas that are highly mobile. For that reason, fat grafts in the lip are particularly unreliable. They work sometimes, but unpredictably.
  • ali says:

    I was thinking about doing fat graft, but for my chest. after having 2 kids and breastfeeding, my chest has gone flat. I'm worried though if I get the procedure done, my husband may change his mind and want a 3rd child. I guess my question is, do you know what effect pregnancy and nursing will have on the breast after fat injections? is it possible to have procedure done twice to achieve same results?
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Ali: We do fat grafting to the chest. You can have the procedure done twice or as many times as you want. The benefits are not only to the breasts, but to the area that you got liposuction to provide donor fat. The effects of nursing and nursing are not really predictable, but if it was my wife I would much rather have her get a fat graft than implants. I will let Kelly know of your interest.
  • lyn says:

    If my skin is clearly not toned in the tight area and the tights are a little saggy and why is it better to do a liposuction before a tight lift and not both combined at the same time?
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Lyn: It has to do with blood supply. When you do a "lift" the skin and fat layer is lifted from the underlying muscle so you can stretch it in the direction you want and then cut off the excess.By doing this you cut off the blood supply coming from the underlying muscle layer. When you cut the tissue that blood supply coming from where you cut is also cut off. The only blood supply left is that coming from the skin and fat layer that is still attached to the muscle around where you lifted. The liposuction itself disrupts some of the blood supply in the skin and fat layer. This works out alright when all the surrounding blood supply sources are intact, but when you are lifting the tissue most of the other blood supply sources are disrupted. So liposuction together with lift can sometimes result in damage to the tissues. Hope this helps!
  • Ann says:

    Hello Dr Rodroquez, I live in the DC/Bmore area. I have finally decided to get my butt augmented right now my thoughts are a combination of fat graft and implant. I am 5'3" and weight fluctuates but on average is about 135. I have been very skinny all my life but as I get older started gaining weight. My problem is relative to my lower body I gain most of that weight in my face, neck, arms and generally my upper body. After reading your explanation about fat transfer sites being an important factor in permanence my question is: I plan to have kids within the next 1-2 years but hope to do the procedure before. If fat is taken from those areas where I loss fat last and those cells are placed in the butt/hip area... and I am gaining weight due to the pregnancy.... will the problem areas be where I continue to gain most or will the cells now transferred to my butt now be the area where fat now accumulates first/the most. I guess I am asking if those areas will continue to be problem areas since now they should technically have less fat cell to accumulate fat when I gain weight.... and will the butt/hips ( where the fat was transferred) now gain more fat than it used to before the fat transfers. Thanks in advance for taking the time to read and respond.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Ann: You are correct in that the fat that I collect and deposit somewhere else is still the same fat, so it behaves the same way. So if the fat from the upper arms is transferred to the butt, it still behaves in the butt as if it were in the arms. Your body will change shape because the areas that used to get fat are now trimmer, and the areas that received fat grafts will increase in size when you gain weight. There are going to be no problems as far as pregnancy is concerned.
  • paola says:

    Dr i had a liposuction mini tummy tuck and fatvransfer to the buttocks 4 months ago everything looks perfect but a few days ago i started having pain specially in my left cheek its mostly when i sit down. I dont know if it could be that i work at an office sitting down most of the time but i have never had this pain afyer surgery i dont have any bruizes or redness but still painfull like preasure thanks
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Paola: It is very difficult to give direct advice over the internet as I don't know any details about your surgery. You should get to see your surgeon and ask. Be persistent. Sometimes a series of massage and exercise to loosen up scar can work well.
  • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

    Thanks for reading! Check out my technical description post and this video on lip lifts. I refer quite a few patients that come for a lip lift to cosmetic dentists as they want a little front incisor show and what they could actually benefit from is crowns before going on to a lip lift.
  • Cassandra says:

    hello DR.Rodriguez, well i just started looking into the Brazilian butt lift so i do have many ? main one is there are so many Dr.s who do this procedure how do i know which one i should go to? without going to every single Dr. lolz...i so far like how you do the procedure and you are very imformative where are you located? do you ever work in other areas i live an hour away from san fransisco? Thank You, Cassandra
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Cassandra: I live and work in Baltimore. My son lives in San Francisco, though! Your best bet is to read the blog carefully and make notes on my methods. When you call the plastic surgeon's office, ask plenty of questions based on what you have read. If they don't have time for questions, that is not a good sign. We do do a lot of patients from out of town, including Californians. If you are interested, contact Kelly at
  • Rose morel says:

    My name is Rose and I live in NJ on March 14,2013 I got butt injections with (biogel). It was a big risk but all my friends got it done with this lady and they look awesome. I'm supper skinny so I thought fat grafting was a NO. Since I'm so thin I can't see a big difference its only lifted. My question is can I get fat grafting even though I have biogel in my butt? If yes I'm looking forward to do it with you.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Yes, you can get fat grafting. I would like to set up a virtual consult so we can look at pictures and I can give you a better idea of what can and cannot be accomplished. Looking forward to seeing you!
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Jane: Yes, we do fat grafts to the hips frequently. Contact Kelly at for more info. In the meantime you can look at this post. I think the fat graft to the hips is an enormously underrated procedure. Come visit us or do a virtual consult, we'd love to help you!
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Alex: For small areas like the face we can use local anesthetics. For larger surface areas we use either IV sedation or Total IV analgesia. It really depends on the case and the patient's tolerance.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Alysia: Kelly handles these questions. She will be happy to answer. We are running a big discount for procedures done in December so if you are serious now is the time. Contact Kelly at
  • Anna says:

    Hello Dr.Rodriguez. I had a tummy tuck, breast augmentation, lipo, and brazilian b.l. with fat graft transferred from the lipo, all done one year ago next month. At the beginning I really didn't see a difference in size or shape to my butt. But now 11 months later I see and feel my butt is getting bigger. I was wondering if this is normal?
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Anna: My patients do see results right away, but what I think happened to you is that although not all the fat graft survived, the areas of your body that normally accumulate fat are no longer available (because of the lipo and the skin cut out in the abdominoplasty). So now when your body gains weight, it has to go to other areas where the fat cells can accommodate the extra fat. Your butt is obviously one of those areas.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Michelle: Thanks for your interest. I'll have Kelly at give you a call. We'd love to help you out!
  • Melissa says:

    Hi, he has injected the fat like 3/4inches above my bum across my lower back parallel to where it should be, in line for it to "drop", in your experience is this capable of happening? I found 1 comment yesterday that states fat can move within the 1st 2wks as it is acting as a graft, but because I'm wearing my compression garment which is to keep the fat in place,surely I should spend some time without it on to hopefully help the fat move? Thnku fir ur reply
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Melissa: Hard for me to formulate opinions without knowing what went on or how he did it. Surely, you need to talk to him and ask him specific questions. Do not leave the room until you feel satisfied. If you are not satisfied, ask for a copy of your records, that will get your surgeons attention. Hope this helps!
  • Melissa says:

    Hi,I had fat transfer 3days ago, and although I know it's too early to see the results yet I'm concerned as my ps injected most of my fat above my bum,and when I raised concerns that the markings were too high before surgery he reassured me the fat will drop down into this so, can fat drop and settle? I can't find anything that supports his claim. Thanks
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Melissa: I cannot make any comments as I have no idea of what your surgeon did. In general, I inject fat where I want to create fullness and yes, markings are important. How many cases has your surgeon done? In any case, give it 4 months before you make any judgments about the final result.
  • diane johnson says:

    Hi Dr. Rodriguez, I am considering getting the brazilian butt lift fairly soon and have a few questions I'm hoping you can answer. 1. I am 5'5 and weight 135 and my Dr. says that he can only get about 6 cups of fat from my body in order to do the surgery. How much of a difference would this make on my butt? 2. I am in the military and workout a lot, what effect would this have on my new butt? Thanks, Diane J
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Diane: First of all, I cannot comment on what your Dr. Says because I don't know what you look like and I don't know how he does his procedure. As long as you plan where you get your graft carefully, your fat graft will last even if you lose weight. I have a video blog post of a patient who is also 5'5" and weighed about 135 then lost another 10 pounds. Working out will enhance the result as you will be more curvy.
  • Maria says:

    I had an illegal butt injection done a few years ago and I regret it. I admit it was a stupid choice on my end but I trusted because my cousin had it done too and her butt looked really nice. Mine over time didn't, its a little bumpy. I'm would like to have what was put in removed but replaced with my own body fat so I don't lose the size. Can that be done? And if so would it be permanent? Please let me know what my options are, I really want to fix this problem but don't want to lose the size of my butt.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Maria: First of all, post your story in however many forums you can so you can help others avoid the problems you ran into. Your problem is really complicated and I would need pictures, etc. and an idea of what was injected. Only then could I tell you if I thought something would help. You can call Kelly at for info on how to set up a virtual consultation. Merry Christmas, and I hope the New Year brings you good things
  • Kat says:

    When we lose weight, what happens to the fat? Surely the same principles apply when transferring the same fat to another part of the body. How is fat kept as a permanent part of our bodies after transfer?
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Kat: Fat is a triglyceride oily substance that is stored inside Adipose cells, the fancy scientific name for fat cells. So fat (oily substance), is stored inside fat (adipose) cells. The oily fat substance is used by the body to create energy. When you lose weight it is because you consumed more energy than you took in (food). So the oily fat substance is gone when you lose weight, but the adipose cells remain, they are just empty, not full of oily substance. When you gain weight, the excess energy is stored as oily substance, and deposited into the adipose cells. So oily substance is highly variable and dynamic, but the number of adipose cells is relatively stable. When you transfer adipose cells from the belly to the butt, the number of adipose cells that survives will remain stable. If you lose weight, the oily substance will be burned off as energy, so the adipose cells will be less plump, and the butt will look smaller. If you gain weight, the adipose cells will fill up with oily substance and the butt will look bigger. The way to prevent variations is to ask 2 simple questions- where does the patient gain weight first and where does the patient lose weight last. Usually it is the same place. For example, somebody gains weight first in the love handles, but the love handles never go away unless the patient is almost starving. You then use THOSE adipose cells because you know they hold on to oily substance first and let it go only in emergencies (like when you are starving), those they always stay plump. So, even if the patient loses weight, they will lose it other areas, but not in the butt. Hope this makes it easier for you to understand!
  • luisa says:

    actually i have a question? i am a slim girl i have somewhat a bootie but i feel its not the same as when i was younger. meaning that i am slim i don't think i have enough fat to take out from my body to transfer, but i am interested in the procedure. does the fat have to be from your own body?
  • Gloria says:

    Hi, Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez this is Gloria Again Monday August 1, is three weeks for me. My doctor stated not to sit for long period of time is this true, I told him I have to go back to work on Wednesday the 3rd. I'm a secretary I have to sit down. What should I do. Any answers.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Gloria: My routine is to have patients NOT sit for 3 weeks. The reason is we do not want to injure those tender grafts. As a rule, I tell my patients to take 3 weeks off work. It's just not worth the risk after all the time and effort invested. All these issues are discussed BEFORE surgery, so there are no issues.
  • Amber says:

    I've been wonting to do the Brazilian Butt Lift but am conserned with Cellulite I want a full bottom but don't want it lumpy or unattractive I know the prosedure is pretty new but what are the side effects as you get orlder will the Fat run down to your legs. and if not what makes them stay on you butt area? What happens as your body changes with age? Im 22 and don't want to look like a grease ball at the age of 30 if it makes any sense. if you can please explain to me I would greatly appreciate it thank you
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Amber: If the procedure is done correctly there is very little chance of lumpiness or unattractiveness. We have done over 100 large volume fat infusions to the buttocks without any cases of lumpiness. The fat we inject is incorporated, or "knitted into the tissues, so there is very little chance of it running down your legs. Your figure will be changed, and if you take care of your body and stay in shape, the results will hold very well. Contact Kelly at , she'll be happy to help you. We're looking forward to hearing from you!
  • Gloria says:

    Hi, Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez at my appointment todat he saidit's going to go down some more because of the fluid. is this true for all butt augumenation. will the fat settled in my butt.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Gloria: Be patient. Wait a month and let me know. I hope you enjoy your new figure!
  • Gloria says:

    Hi, Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez, I had the sugery done a week ago. I noticed my butt going down, however it's still big. I want a butt that stick out, will the fat settled at the bottom of my buttocks and stick out or a need a second surgery. I go see my doctor tomorrow. Thanks a Bunch
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Gloria: Fat graft retention is very technique dependent. I do not know how your surgeon did it so I cannot make any predictions. You should wait at least a couple of weeks before you know what it is going to look like. Congratulations on your new figure!
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Zahid: In general, your body stores fat preferentially in certain areas. For example, you may gain weight first in the "love handles" area, but find that getting rid of it is also hardest. That means that those fat cells in that area do not fluctuate much with your average variations in body weight. A smart surgeon will inquire what are those areas that are very difficult to lose, as fat from those areas will also be hard to lose in the new place you put them in. Hope this helps!
  • Nathaly says:

    Dear Dr. Rodriguez, let me begin by saying that you are a wonderful medical professional for answering every question we ask! I am a 21 years old college student, i am a female. I have a slightly weak chin and would like to have fat graft ONLY in that area, to correct my weak chin. I have a few questions please: 1) How long does the fat graft last in the chin area? (i know this is one of the most common questions, sorry). If it doesn't last long, what sort of injection last longest? 2) If i am an active girl, i lift weights and do some cardio a few times a week, will that contribute to the loss of the fat graft in my chin area? I haven't lost any belly fat layer i have since i do cardi am doing it for the health and not weight loss. 3) my last question: will the swelling be enormous a few days after the procedure? i have to return to college soon and do not wish to have a huge swollen chin, so what are the recovring process? Doctor Rodriguez, thank you very much, lots of kisses! -Nath
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Nathaly: Actually, on the chin, I think a silicon implant is preferable. It sits on top of the bone and it's hard, just like your own chin. I'm afraid that with time a chin augmentation with fat grafting would look too soft. In Plastic surgery there is a principle: Substitute like with like. In the case of the chin, what is being augmented is the bony chin prominence, so an implant that feels like the bone is a better choice in my opinion.
  • jennifer says:

    Thank you for your response... but yes most doctors tells me that time frame or less but they also tell me that no doctor cannot gurantee 100 % that it will be permanent do to absorvation? kind of confused me because of what i read on your fat grafting information. I really really want to do my surgery with you even though i havent had a person to person consultation you gained my trust and i feel confortable and positive about it. the obsticle is the financial. Ive always for so many years wanted to do the brazilian lift but lets just see.... i thank you for taking your time to answer my questions...
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      You are right, nobody can guarantee a result. I can tell you that my track record is that since 2005 I have not had to reinject anybody because the fat was absorbed. Where there is a will there is a way. Keep saving your money and someday you will be able do the surgery. Feliz Navidad!
  • eliada vardicos says:

    Hola Dr rodriguez , me encanta ver los resultados de los pacientes que se han hecho relleno de grasa !!!! me encantaria venir a su consultorio , pero esta muy lejos para mi, mi pregunta es si hay un cirujano tan bueno com usted que haga face fat injections en virginia que pueda recomendarme, recien me rellene las mejias con grasa en septiembre sin un resultado satisfactorio , la verdad me encantaria poder estar en manos de un cirujano tan bueno como usted, pero si puedeayudarme a referirme con un cirujano que sepa acerca de rellenos degrasa q de resultados tan satisfactorios como los suyos seria feliz , tengo 32anos y he perdido bastante grasa en la cara, y lo q busco es volumen , le estaria eternamemte agradecida si me contesta por correo , q tenga buen dia y felicidades ,!!!!!! es muy buen cirujano....
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Eliada: Desafortunadamente, no conozco a nadie en Virginia que hace las cosas como yo. Nosotros tenemos muchos pacientes que vienen de Virginia, Y hasta mucho mas lejos. El 30% de nuestros pacientes vienen de fuera del estado. Si le interesa, pongase en contacto con nuestra oficina- 410 494-8100. Nos encantaria ayudarla!
  • jennifer says:

    Dr. Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez, I have a question for you i want to have a brazilian butt lift procedure and i contacted a surgeon and he said to does a tumescent liposuction. My question is the tumescent liposuction is it the proper technique for a brazilian butt lift?
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Jennifer: I also do the tumescent liposuction to harvest the graft. There are other steps to follow. Most important is harvesting the fat at low pressure, then processing it correctly. This takes a long time. If anybody tells you they can do it in 4 hours or less, beware. Likewise, if they tell you you might need a touch up beware, it means they don't have a lot of confidence in their results. We'd love to help you! Contact Kelly at if you want more info on what gives a great result
  • rawona cassagnol says:

    do you work with diabetics and also will the brazillian butt lift make my hips appear larger
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Rawona: We also work with diabetics, but we also have to make sure they get cleared by their medical doctor to have the surgery. Needless to say, the blood glucose needs to be under good control... The brazilian butt lift, as I do it places a heavy emphasis on flexibility, therefore, I place the fact where the patient most wants it or needs it. If there is fat injection to the hips, the hips wilI appear larger because they are larger. I have done cases where the entire fat injection goes into the hips. I do believe the hourglass figure is very attractive. Call Kelly at for more info, we'd love to hear from you.
  • jackie Santagadea says:

    Hi!! do you know anyone or have any colleges in orange county, CA. I'm seeking for a surgeon that does this procedure but I would like to search one that has experience and can do it correctly..!! thank you
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Jackie: Unfortunately, I do not know who does this procedure correctly in California. There are many who advertise, unfortunately, few who do it right. I have many patients from out of town because of this. You can contact Kelly ( if you are interested in more information.
  • negron says:

    Hello Dr. Rodriguez I have a few questions for you. I actually had fat grafting done 2 years ago, and its seems to me that my butt actually looks almost the same. I'm a smoker could that have made it worst. Now i was reconsiding on going back for a 2nd procedure, any suggestions. thanks
  • jazzi says:

    Has anyone ever came in with a picture of what they wanted their butt or body to look like after the surgery?
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Jazzy: Yes, many times. What people don't realize is that we can only change a body so much. If you start out like Paris Hilton, it is impossible to make you look like Kim Kardashian. We can change body types, but it is not easy, and that is why there are not good Plastic Surgeons in every corner. Having said that, pictures are a very useful guide to point out what is more important to the patient and what our limitations as surgeons are. I encourage patients to bring in photos, not as a guide to what result they should expect, but to let me know what the patient wants. We'd love to hear from you!
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Jackie: We are located in Baltimore. About 30% of our patients are from out of town. We'd love to hear from you! If you are interested, contact Kelly at Have a great day!
  • julie says:

    Wat is chinese plastic surgery like? Dey do bottoms too? What is celebraty plasti surgery? Brazulian but lift is celebrity plastix surgery or ? Fat is phat ' - that means its gd to be fat as all dat fat can be used for the bum and more fat more bum yes?! Wat is laser resufercing vs regenerative fat grafting? Also it is a fact dan if I lose weight after surgery by new but will not go smaller it will stay the same? After 3 weeks can I sit down? What about sleepin? Sleep only on tummy for 3 weeks yes and on side? Can u dance during 3 weeks? Alone ofcourse no man behing u to put pressure on new bum, Wat is compression garments? Its like hardencotton dats warped around your bottom? Will de doctor do this or we need to go sumwer and buy it, how do u wear it, do u sleep with it? U wear it always for 3 weeks, wat about having a shower or going to the toilet u take it off? Wen u go toilet for big one wat should be remembed like wat no to do ? What is bone marrow? This really is Dr Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez or some1 else writing on behalf of him ? Wat is incision problem? How much in pounds does it cost for brazilian butt lift? Also do u keep records of all patients is there a way of cheking names who did this or no? What country is baltimore? I weight 50kg but I have fat on my back, on the sides,hips/,thights,belly. Wat about cheecks and under chin cud u take more as possible to get bigger bum? Say if you take lil bit of fat then ass will be small?! :( Doctor wat did u mean about finacing surgery companies that u told to chanel and wat options did she mean like all ways of doin butt enlargement? Also we need to be completly nude , is a family member allowed to view or record so I could see the procedure or its not allowed? Why some doctors say dat but implants are not a desirebale method? Also what is but agmentation? There is one proce for brazilian butt lift or two prices since you also take face from body to put it in but? So but will be lifted but will it be curvy and like firm two balls and wen but ends it will be a curby into thigh or it will js sag dwon and look like leg? What did paula mean by: Will there be a considerable lift with a BBL so that I could avoid the traditional butt lifting procedure. If not, what is an alternative solution to avoid the massive scar left by a traditional butt lift? BBL leavs a scar or traditional method leave scar? Wat is the traditional method but implants or? Wat does it mean - perky bum? I love wen u said - takes de fat from unwanted places n puts it in rite places(but) which is females dream! Ur procedure does not leave scars? Will I be able to do everythin as before or sumthin wunt be able to go bk to previous life like steam/sauns/swimin wat if u fall on ur bum does it kill de cells ( after 3 weeks) ? Is der special food that u eat n fat goes only in but?also how much shud u weight to get the perfectest but in the world? Wat area of body is easier to take more fat n chances oof makin bigger n rounder bum, stomack? Has a slim woman - normal with no fat anywer - nice body came in n wanted an ass did u do operation n take fat from sumwer also does it have to me fat from only ur body wat happenes if its not ur fat cells do u die? Is der anythin u shud eat/take/drink to make fat cells perfect to be used for but to make dem fluffy plumpy eatin plenty of choclates/bread/dairy butter etc before operation how many days before? I like de fact dats its 2 operations in one - fat removal and gainin a larger bottom! Der is no health risk no? Wat if u virgin and never gave birth is it allowed? Wat if u give birth wen u have fake bum will it vanish or stay de same? This procedure is actually real because impmats are considerd as fake but this I s natural as takin ur own body weigh just putin it in de rite place, after operation say a month can u do exercises on bum n move muscle n shake wen dancing or no? Will the baby girl I give birth to will she have natural big bum since mine becomes real fat cells or she won't ? I have noticed dat u dnt want peoepl gain weigh js to do opeartion like to natalie u sd gain weight only I'd u dnt like ur body but I read between ur lines secret message dat ' bbl takes fat from places not wanted n put it in but ' meanin yes its gd to put weight on as u will remove it, how many days does it heal? I want to do it n its best in summer wen to uni rite so I cwudnt have to go n do anythin? Durin those 3 weeks of healin is it best to js rest on belly all day cuz if u walk u putiin presure on but or its ok wat about runin swimin? Basicly wat natalie said is it posible to bring celeb photos hu have big bum ( course unreal) n u do it just like in the photo? How many phtoos do u need, its all angles yes? Wat is bmore lift?-bbl? Its much beter takin ur own fat cuz losin weigh is a pain n long process n actualy I read wat u sd dat its life threatin.e take sum1 elses fat, Did any1 in past ever wake up from anestetic and die from pain or that's unlickely? Does anestetic take 5 yrs of ur life or dats other drugs?omg young woman weighted 105 pounds dats how much kgs? And how old was she also dat means after surgery she came in fat but came out slim with bigg bum?! Or she stil had fat on body
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Julie: Again. lots of questions, and I appreciate your interest. The best way for you to get these answers is to go to a Plastic surgeon there in the UK and get a good face to face consultation where you can go through all these concerns. I will tell you this: Yes, I answer all these questions. I am now in my kitchen banging away at the keyboard after having gone to 8:00 AM mass. And I think it is wonderful that somebody from the UK gets to learn from this blog. As for now, breakfast beckons.
  • julie says:

    What is the age limit for this operation? Can you do it at 20? 21/22? I am very glad to read below that when you lose weight the bottom will not lose the fat! Also vida guerra done implants or this butt lift? And is it true that implants could fall and hang after a time or they also permament if done correctly? Say if I have operation with you and I need touch up/2nd surgery it will be for free as it hasn't been done correctly? Will other doctors allow this for free or they do it on purpose to get patients coming back and get more money..? Also since its called brazilian a lot of people including me are aware that most latin girls especially brazilian do bum operations but course if dey mixed race or have black in dem its natural n u get js sum latins with real big bums but u will admit dat since its cheap in s.america a lot do it, is der any way to tell/ find out if butt is real or not? When you touch it will it feel different? How many hours is the surguty? Does it hurt or I will be sleeping and when I wake up will it hurt very badly? Is there a fat surgery for hips to make dem wider or sum opearation to add bones or strech them or something? So b butt is better than implants? Wat looks more bigger and nicer? I know implants will look not so natural right? Is there photos of injection fat but and implanted but? Which one did kim kardashian do? You can tell big time but it looks nice and love but that drops and is by the thighs but is lifted aswell, thank you Julie
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Julie: Lots of questions, which would take really a full person to person consultation. I will; however, tackle one subject: Revision fees. A doctor is not charging you for a particular result, but for his professional service. Nobody can predict how your body will heal.Therefore, it is reasonable for a surgeon to charge a professional fee for touch up surgery. If any surgeon was stupid enough to not do his best at surgery to keep patients coming back for seconds, his reputation would soon crash and nobody would go to him. There is a lot of information in my website that will answer most of your questions, and I encourage you to go through the site to get more information on injections vs fat grafts, wider hips, etc
  • Flor says:

    I'm a petitie person weigh 110. I'm trying to gain weight so i can due the fat transfer to my buttocks. How much more weight can you tell me i should gain? for this procedure.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Flor: You should be at the weight you feel most comfortable. Having said that, some people do gain or lose weight after the procedure. It does not affect the result of surgery. Your boy will change, but it will keep the butt prominence.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Flor: Is your name really Flor Flores (Flower Flowers)? Flower Power! :) We do fat grafting at least once a week and we love doing it. If you are interested, contact Kelly at We'd love to hear from you!
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Tereza: We are located in Baltimore, but we have had patients coming in from London, Hawaii, etc. About 30% of our patients are from out of town.
  • chanel says:

    I really want it done so bad but I need more opions so if u can get back to me I will be so greatful thank u
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Chanel: There are many options for those who are truly interested in doing this surgery. Contact Kelly at and we can direct you to financing companies that specialize in financing plastic surgery. Where there is a will there is a way
  • paula says:

    Dear Dr. Rodriguez Im 29 years old and since 5 years ago I have lost 20lbs which left me with saggy unattractive buttocks. Although I exercise on a very regular basis, unfortunately I see no change on that area. I will very much be interested in fixing the problem and I will like to have both an lift as well as butt augmentation. However, every doctor I have approach to this day they all advise against it: 1) they say I dont have enough fat for the crafting to take place (Im 130 lbs), and 2) implants are not a desirable option. My questions are: 1. can you extract enough fat for a good result (I like quite perky but small buttocks) 2. Will there be a considerable lift with a BBL so that I could avoid the traditional butt lifting procedure. If not, what is an alternative solution to avoid the massive scar left by a traditional butt lift? I currently live in the UK but I will consider to fly in for the procedure to be done at your office. Thank you Paula
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Paula: The fundamental issue for me is to see how much excess skin you have and how much fat you have. I have done a brazilian butt lift on a young woman who weighed 105 pounds, but she was 5' tall. It all depends. I would have to see pictures to make a more informed decision. If the primary problem is an excess of skin, you will need an incision, but I doubt that is your problem since you only lost 20 pds. That is more common with weight loss of a hundred pounds or more. I think your best bet is to set up a virtual consultation with us. Contact Kelly at and she will send you a set of instructions about what pictures to take so we can make a more educated judgement.
  • Natalie says:

    :( Ah i was afraid of that,, So what would you tell one if they're considerd not fat at all, if they still wanted to do the BBL,and does'nt really consider implants but also wants to get the biggest advantage or a very prominent buttocks in the outcome? Gain weight or what? Happy New Year too!
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Natalie: Gaining weight undesirable only if you don't like what you look like. Imagine if you could only gain weight in your buttock area. Would you gain weight? Yes, because it would give you the prominent buttocks. BBl works because it takes the fat from the places you don't want it in and puts it in the buttocks. It truly changes your figure. Contact Kelly at if you want more info. We'd be happy to hear from you!
  • Natalie says:

    Dear Dr. Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez L. Rodriguez, I have been wondering for some time and not to sound weird or whatever, but ive seen in some medical liposuction shows when people take their fat out, could the surgery for brazilian butt lift take someone elses fat from another person and be used for a person with out much fat? And If so could the same be done for be putting in the breast (augmentation)? Is bmore butt lift Permanent too? Last but not least have any of your patients brought in pics of people they desired to want their surgery outcomes to look like?
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Natalie: It is possible to use somebody else's fat, but nobody does it because you would need a lifetime of immune suppression medical therapy. You would be exposed to life threatening problems. The same goes for butt, breast, or whatever other place you would put the other person's fat in. The B'more butt lift IS permanent. Remember, no fat is reinjected, it is your own body redistributing it's fat. Happy new year!
  • Jean says:

    I would like to ask a question. If you inject live fat cells in the face, do these cells eventually gain a blood supply? Another words, does it matter what part of the body is injected with fat cells? Reason I ask: I have heard autologous fat injections to the face are not permanent. I would like it to be, however, if it isn't, how long are the expected to last. I have heard in the past approximately 3 years. Is that really so? Thank you. Jean
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Jean: This is a good question, because the data out there is confusing. What is true, is that some surgeon's techniques are better than others. When properly injected, the cells do get a blood supply. When they do, the fat is now fully incorporated as living tissue. When I inject fat, i seldom, if ever have to do redos. When fat cells take, you know after a few weeks. The fat that is there can be seen years later. There is a surgeon in New York that has been sued years after the fact because the patient gained a lot of weight and his face got too fat from the grafted cells gaining volume. As we get better at increasing the proportion of stem cells in the fat, the results will get even more impressive, because the changes will be not only in volume, but in the quality of the skin.
  • liz says:

    i was wondering wether it is safe for someone 20 years of age to have the brazillian butt lift done,please say yes and wether it could cause problems if you wish to have babies in the future.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Yes, it can be done. I will not cause problems if you want to have a baby, as all it is is a redistribution of fat in your body. Good luck, but be very careful about the choice of surgeon for your procedure. Be very specific in your questions as to how he/she collects, processes, and injects the fat. Let us know how it works out!
  • Dana says:

    Hi Dr. Rodriguez, I have been looking into the brazilian butt lift surgery. I am 23 years old and have been dieting and exercising for quite some, recently lost 40lbs but have recently reached a plateau. At the moment I live in Massachusetts but will like to get the procedure done at your office. Is it possible to get an estimate/consultation by sending pictures over email to you so I do not need to make the trip down to Baltimore? Thank you for your time. ~Dana
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Congratulations on your diet and exercise success! We'd love to hear from you, as a patient who has done a lot of work on her own already is really motivated to do well. That counts for a lot. I would also tell you that since you lost 40 lbs skin elasticity may be an issue, although at your young age skin does tend to bounce back more readily. Contact Kelly at to set up a virtual consultation. I'll be looking forward to hearing from you!
  • caridad says:

    HI Im sorry to bother you but im concerned and dont know who to ask I went in for a brazillian butt lift the other day and got injected with lidocane instead of local anesthesia They couldnt do anything because I got a bad reaction from it and couldnt breath and I had bad pains on my side They injected this red stuff in my left arm and told me I wouldnt feel a thing but I did! I felt the needle and now I have 6 holes where they were suppose to lipo the fat Im taking antibiotics for this now its been since monday and monday again on the 10th I am going to gvet the lift I will go get it done thru local like he was suppose to do in the first place Im upset Do surgeons inject lidocaine to people with allergic reactions to anesthesia?Also hes doing my sisters face with fat and says it will last 9 years How long does it last?He said my brazillian will last 20 years I payed 7500 for all butt and breast He had a special going 2 WEEKS AGO and my surgery for my breast is in 3 months he wants to put me under general and I dont want this I d rather have local for my implants plus I HAVE CAPULAR CONTRACTION and he told me hell take them out and wait 3 months and then put my implants in Is this normal? How many times in a year can a person be put under like this? I just dont know Can you do me a favor and see his website and see if he is certified to put people under anethesia im getting a little nervous after all that happened and dont know who to ask I read his profile but what does all that mean its confusing to me and my sister I have written to you before on I dont know if you remember me asking about this doctor The doctors name is dr mark sachs on I know we cant get our money back my sister and i signed papers im just worried hes not qualified for anesthesia procedures Where can I look to see if hes a good doctor? Thankyou SO MUCH AND SORRY FOR THE QUESTIONS Caridad
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      I will answer your post as part of a more comprehensive post in another post. Since you asked about this doctors credentials, I will tell you: He does not have training in Plastic Surgery. He is trained in Internal Medicine, and his field of interest was infectious diseases. Dr. Sachs, in the Curriculum Vitae from his website, does not list any training in Plastic Surgery. He is not certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery to perform Plastic Surgery. He is not certified by any Surgical Board to perform Surgery. If you were a family member, I would advise you to get the surgery done by somebody who is Board Certified in Plastic Surgery. Furthermore, I would ask for the money back or you will go talk to a lawyer, the newspapers, the Florida Board of Medicine, and The American College of Physicians that he is doing Surgery without having done a residency in Surgery.
    • Kelly Warner says:

      Hi Tristal, The brazilian butt lift fee ranges $13,000 to $21,000 depending on the available fat, number of donor areas to receive lipo-sculpting and total time needed in the operating room to perform the surgery. Our usual patient will have 3-areas of lipo-sculpting performed, making the average cost of the brazilian butt lift $18,000; this fee includes Dr. Rodriguez’ surgical fee, facility fee, IV-sedation with local anesthesia and all visits to Dr. Rodriguez’s office. As an alternative to the brazilian butt lift, Dr. Rodriguez created the B’more Butt Lift ™. The B'more Butt Lift ™ offers a more subtle result, for patients who want shapelier buttocks without significant volume increase. Furthermore, the B’more Butt Lift ™ procedure is shorter and considerably less expensive than the brazilian butt lift, ranging between $6,000 and $8,000. The only way to know what procedure is right for you, along with cost, is to have your personal consultation with Dr. Rodriguez. I’d be happy to arrange a convenient appointment for you by email or call me at 410-494-8100. Best regards, kelly warner patient coordinator cosmeticsurg.the science of beauty 410-494-8100
  • marcus says:

    dr i am a 22 years old african male. i am writing to ask if you treat such patients with fat injections to add fullness under the eyes, cheeks and add balance to the face. i dont smoke, drink or do drugs. my only vice is bad diet as i am a university student. i try to eat healthy foods when i can. do i sould like an ideal candidate? please reply back thank you
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Contact Kelly at Kelly at You sound like a good candidate, but we'd need to see photos to evaluate what indeed would be appropriate.
  • viviane says:

    I live in kansas city i had the fat injections in my butt about a year ago i have since lost it.My problem is i dont have enough fat to do the procedure again.What should i do???????
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      What do you weigh now? Usually, your weight stays stable after any lipostructure procedure. The fat has probably redistributed somewhere else in your body. It would help if we could see your pictures. In any case, you would need to be evaluated by somebody experienced in the procedure, but I'm sure your problem has a solution.
  • gabriele anderson says:

    What is iv sedation and what is the difference between that and general sedation? Is the patient out completely and will not feel anything?Ia interested in Breast augmentation but have a lot of questions.How long would I have to be out of work.I waitress,so a lot of lifting. Also do you do cool touch laser treatments on face? Sincerely Gabriele Anderson
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Thanx for the question. We are preparing a blog post on anesthesia. If you have a lot of questions, you might want to talk with Kelly. Go to our website, we have some information on breast augmentation recovery times, etc. You can contact Kelly at We do many types of Laser, but not Cool touch. It just does not deliver the results patients want and the price point for patients is steep considering you can get so much more from Fraxel at the same price point.
  • Desiree says:

    Dr. Rodriguez, You stated that a fat transfer is not recommended for tiny figures as they do not have enough fat to move around. I'm wondering if fat can be donated from a relative who is looking to lose the excess fat they have. Has that ever been done? Thank you for your time! Desiree
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      It is not possible at this time to use donor fat. It can theoretically be done, but the patient would have to have significant immune suppressive therapy. The risks are too great.
  • Sandra says:

    I need to know where you are located and is it possible to have a tummy tuck and brazilian butt done at the same time?
    • Kelly Warner says:

      Hi Sandra, Dr. Rodriguez’ brand new AAAASF accredited out-patient facility is located in Lutherville, a suburb of Baltimore, Maryland. Our office/facility is just about 11 miles north of Baltimore’s Inner Harbor and 25 miles north of the Baltimore, Washington International Airport. We have a lot of experience with patients coming from all over the world to have their surgery with Dr. Rodriguez. Dr. Rodriguez specializes in performing multiple procedures in the same operative session. He has a dedicated OR team that he has been working with for years, and they are all experienced at multiple procedure surgeries. Dr. Rodriguez performs most of his surgeries in our brand new AAAASF accredited out-patient facility. AAAASF is the gold standard for safety and operating room protocols. Furthermore, we use only board certified Anesthesiologists MD’s. Dr. Rodriguez performs his out-patient procedures under IV sedation anesthesia instead of general anesthesia. His patients have less nausea, less pain and recover quicker than if they were to have had general anesthesia. Furthermore, most importantly, none of them have a risk for pulmonary embolism with IV sedation. Sandra, it is possible to have a tummy tuck and brazilian butt lift done at the same time. However, as with all procedures Dr. Rodriguez would need to evaluate you before offering any medical advice. You could start with a virtual consultation to get an idea if you’re a candidate for abdominoplasty with the brazilian butt lift surgery. Otherwise, we would be very happy to see you in our office for your consultation. Please contact me if you have additional questions and I’d be delighted to arrange your consultation with Dr. Rodriguez. You can call me at the office or e-mail me at Best regards, kelly warner patient coordinator cosmeticsurg.the science of beauty®
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      All our contact information is our website. There is a link on the box that is in the upper left hand side of the page. Click on "locations". We are in Baltimore, Maryland. We are used to doing tummy tuck and brazilian butt lift together.
  • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

    Jo: Fat injections to the breast *is* the new frontier for fat transfer! It is successfully being performed now. I have not yet performed fat injection for a 'cosmetic' breast augmentation, but I have had great success with fat injections to the breast for a lumpectomy reconstruction. A lumpectomy is performed on breast cancer patients and is the partial removal of the affected breast tissue. Fat injections offer a wonderful alternative to implants for these patients. Additionally, if they have had radiation, the tissue is usually damaged and breast reconstruction with implants can be a risky proposition. There is growing evidence that the injected fat even helps the damaged (from radiation) breast tissue to heal! This is indeed a very exciting area of medicine. Read more about it in my blog post about fat injection for lumpectomy reconstruction. I would be happy to evaluate anybody who is interested in fat injections to the breast--whether for cosmetic or medical purposes.
  • Jo says:

    Dear Doctor, my queston is, if these butt lifts are done by injecting fat succesfully, why isn't the same possible for breast augmentation? What is the difference between the two? Thank you so much!
  • mirian says:

    yo hago ejercicio 3 veces a la semana y corro alrededor de 10 millas /semana. Tengo miedo de que si me hago Brazillian Butt lift el ejercicio podria quemar la grasa que se me inserto en los gluteos. Puede pasar esto y deberia parar de correr?
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      No tiene que parar de correr. Si se hace la operacion el resultado se mantiene, a menos que pierda mas de 15% de su peso.
  • kesha says:

    Dr. Rodriguez--my main concern is the anesthesia...this is a surgery ive wanted 4 a long time--but i hear horror stories about people dying from anesthesia and I just soooo scared of going into cardiac arrest or long do u have ur patients under anesthesia and how long does the procedure (lipo and fat inserion to the buttocks) take? Ive had 3 surgeries done--first was a cyst removal and then bunion surgery on both ive been under anesthesia 3 times--is it too much for your body to go under anesthesia so many times? Please help///also I am not overweight but would like some suctioning in my back.flanks area and lower tummy to create a very sexy silhouette as well as the but grafting for a larger butt--if it turns out to not be so much fat being removed, how much will it cost me then??
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Read my post about safe anesthesia Yes, we can do lipo of other areas designed to enhance the butt without injecting fat to the butt. It is called the B'more Butt Lift and it is less expensive than the Brazilian Butt Lift. Hope this helps! Looking forward to seeing you soon.
  • loui says:

    dear Doctor , im planning to go through the butt lift surgery but my concern is i read your blog and you mentioned that i cant sit down for two weeks ! my job requires me to sit for 8 hours how would i deal with this ? and how long is the recovery takes ? thanks
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      hello Loui, In reality, you should not sit for three weeks after the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure. If you sit during that period, you may damage a large proportion of the fat grafts and they will not take. Three weeks will produce a permanent result. If you want a dramatic and long lasting improvement, you should wait until you can take 3 weeks off from work to get a Brazilian Butt lift. However, if you can't possibly take that much time off, you might want to consider the "B'more Natural Buttlift". It is a liposuction of strategic areas around the butt. You get a better looking butt right at surgery, then the body's natural process of fat redistribution further enhances the butt. The result is not as dramatic as the Brazilian butt lift, but is more naturally proportional. With this technique, you can go back to work in one week. Additionally, you can sit immediately following surgery! This is a new technique that I have developed after performing the Brazilian Butt Lift and Liposuction for many years. I will write more about the B'more Natural Buttlift in my Blog this week. Stay tuned. Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez, M.D.
  • dolly says:

    doctor, estoy interesada en hacerme t.t, lipo en la espalda y flanks, esa grasa me la quiero poner en los gluteos, usted me podria explicar como debo dormir, ya que con el t.t tengo que hacerlo boca arriba, y no quiero que se me reasorba la grasa de los gluteos. gracias.espero su respuesta.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Dolly: Hemos tenido varios pacientes con Tummy Tuck y Brazilian Butt Lift. En general duermen en el estomago la mayor parte del tiempo y en los lados la menor parte del tiempo, con almohadas en el torso y las piernas para mantener las caderas elevadas. Cuando se duerme en el estomago se duerme con almohadas en el estomago para poder mantener los muslos un poco doblados. Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez, MD
  • Andreas says:

    Dear doctor, due to facial paralysis left, I had 3 weeks ago a plastic surgery including tarsoraphy,static suspension of the upper lip and fat - dermis graft into my weaken cheek. My doctor used a quite big graft and the cheek is overcorrected, but he told me that its size will be redused within 6 - 8 months. Is that true? what do you think about the whole procedure? Thanks
  • conniewalker says:

    Hello. I'm a woman with a medium frame. About 5"7" and very much in shape. I'm training to be a fitness model. So I have great muscle tone. But I have a very flat rear. I weight about 130lbs. And I am very unhappy with my bottom. I've heard that "only" butt implants are guranteed lifetime permanant. Are u saying that with your fat injection procedures that butt injections are guranteed permanant? I know there is always that small window for the exception, but in majority of your cases, are fat injections permanant?
  • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

    Dear Luisa, Without seeing you in person, I am not able to comment on what your choices are. If you are unhappy with your result, you should go back to the surgeon and discuss this with him! Most doctors, above all, want their patients to be *happy*. There is always the option to also get a second opinion with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon. Hope this helps.
  • Luisa says:

    Hi Doctor, I made some fat inyections on my face and i didnt like it. I feel ugly and very fat. Is there any way to get my previose face.Is there some medicine or some kind of exercice to take out the fat that i put on my face/ Thank you for your comments