Look at the cover of almost any magazine, and it is clear – sizes 0 and 2 are over. Young women today do not want to look like Nicole Ritchie, Paris Hilton, or Kate Moss – they want to look like Michelle Obama! Healthy and curvy are in. Shapeless is out. Women today want to look like real women.
Dr. Rodriguez’s Brazilian butt lift technique is featured in the April/May Washington DC-Baltimore area Women’s Journal publication. Dr. Rodriguez is a Yale trained Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who has been practicing for over 20 years. He specializes in procedures which involve fat grafting.
For the Brazilian butt lift, Dr. Rodriguez utilizes special fat processing techniques which help patients achieve long lasting and permanent results. The buttock is first contoured using liposuction. The extracted fat is decanted, processed, and centrifuged. The resulting ‘good fat’ is then reinjected into the buttocks via hundreds of micro-fat injections. The result is a sensuous sculpted body with a prominent, perky, buttock.
Gloria Rogers says:
Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:
Gloria Rogers says:
Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:
J says:
Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:
Angela says:
Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:
Cheryl Carlson says:
admin says: