Brazilian butt lift goal: not just about big butts

A collage of photos of a patient's lower body, showing her before and after a Brazilian butt lift procedure.

Curves, love handles, and Brazilian Butts. I have been doing a lot of Brazilian butt lifts. It continues to amaze me how good this procedure is. It is perfectly suited to how the body handles fat, and the different components of the procedure enhance each other. Although the procedure is called Brazilian butt lift, what makes it great is the way the love handles are reshaped and create a nice curve between the butt and the waist.

The most important thing in this procedure is not to get the “biggest butt”, but to create the best looking waist-hips-butt area. When patients bring in pictures of what they want to look like, invariably the models shown have small waists and a curvy transition between the lower back and butt. The butt doesn’t have to be that large as long as that transition area has a nice looking curve. As a matter of fact, I have several patients from years past who look like they had a butt augmentation when all they had was liposuction to the flanks. The increased contrast between the lower back and the buttock itself, as well as the curvy transition between them, enhance the appearance of the buttock.

If you then augment the buttock with fat taken from the love handles area, the results can be spectacular! See our before & after Brazilian butt lift gallery to see my results.

By Dr. Ricardo L. Rodriguez, Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon MD, Baltimore.

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123 thoughts on “Brazilian butt lift goal: not just about big butts”

    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Reagan: You definitely are a candidate. As implied by the blogpost a Brazilian Butt Lift is more a matter of proportion than bulk and getting a really nice perky shape. If you would like we can organize a FaceTime or Skype virtual consult where I can get more specific about the best areas to harvest fat from. Contact Kelly at for more info. Thanks!
  • Anna says:

    One last question: when will i see the final result? And is 100 cc per cheek enough to see result? I'm very petite: 5"7 / 99 pounds
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Anna: Body contouring is a matter of proportions. I would need to see your pictures to give you a better idea of what can be done. At 5'7'' and 99 pds you must be very slender..
  • Anna says:

    I was wondering after the 3 weeks of not sitting/laying on back after a bbl, is it okay to sit/lay on your back? Or do I stil have to be careful? How long can I sit after 3 weeks? When can I do everything and get back to normal? After what period is the fat permanent grafted and cannot "die"?
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Anna: You should be fine after 3 weeks. You can go back to normal. You'd be surprised how well tolerated this procedure is.
  • Rae says:

    Dr. Rodriguez, I understand that you have done tummy tucks in conjunction with Brazilian butt lift. My concern is recovery. 1. How can a patient keep pressure off her newly fat grafted behind after a tummy tuck where in you have to practically sleep upright for the first few nights? Or walk bent over for the first few days? 2. How should a patient position herself when resting in order to not to compromise healing in both areas (rear end and abdominal area)? 3. Does it affect recovery, healing and specially results for these areas? 4. How much does this surgical combo particularly cost? Thanks, Rae
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Rae: Here are the answers to your questions: 1 You sleep on your stomach. There is no pressure on the wound because the abdomen is a hollow structure. The breasts would not be OK because the chest cage is behind them. As for being bent over and sleeping on your stomach, patients place pillows under the torso so the legs can bend at the waist. 2 As above. Patients are also encouraged to ambulate around the room a couple of times a day in the beginning, more as time goes on. 3 The abdomen does very well, again because it has no significant pressure bearing on it. 4 Kelly at kelly@cosmeticsurg can help you with that. We do quite a bit of it and we love doing it!
  • Victoria says:

    I'm interested in the Brazilian butt lifts and some lipo on my arms and my husband has given me the go. :) So I was wondering what the prices are and what would be the next step. I'm 25. 5'2" 175lbs and generally healthy
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Victoria: The next step is to contact Kelly at She'd be more than happy to get you started in the process. You and I should have a consultation, either in person or via Skype. I am looking forward to meeting you!
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      And I myself am sorry that i mistook you for that. Because of the traffic in our blog, many people just ask questions that are designed to drive traffic to their website. As an aside, many of my patients for liposuction of the abdomen and waist areas are fitness buffs who are already losing fat everywhere else, including breasts that literally deflate, and still can't get rid of that belly and waist fat. It was precisely this that led me to think strategically when doing lipo to find out what the "resistant" areas are when planning liposuction.
  • Micheal says:

    Is doing this exercise good for losing weight or just about getting best looking waist-hips-butt area? Micheal Author at
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Michael: I generally don't respond to comments like these as this is comment is geared more to generating traffic to the commenter's own website, but it does serve to prove a point. No exercise "targets" any one area of the body for losing fat. Fat pockets gain or lose weight according to your genetics, not wether you do this or that exercise. practically every patient that walks into this office is asked four questions: Where do you gain weight first, where do you gain weight last, where do you lose weight first, where do you lose weight last. Where you gain weight first is where you tend to lose it last. And that is true whether you exercise your arms, legs, tummy, or whatever.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Ally: We have done several slender patients. We cannot create a huge result out of little fat, but we can dramatically alter your proportions so that your figure is improved significantly. We have done patients that weigh as little as 95 pds. I encourage you to contact Kelly at, she'd love to help you!
  • Rhea Davis says:

    I'm thinking about getting a brazilliam butt lift can you email me some prices as I'm not sure what it will cost me.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Rhea: Kelly, our patient coordinator, at, will be able to help you with prices. She can also give you info on financing companies, should you need it.
  • Shirl says:

    Hello, I am a 32 year old woman and I've been interested in the Brazilian butt lift for a while now due to low self esteem. I wanted to find out the cost for this type of procedure as well as the healing (recovering) process. And another one of my issues is my abdomen. I've had three pregnancies. In which one of them I had a still birth therefore my skin was stretched out more so since I have that pouch that women get when we have kids, will that be an issue to do the Brazilian Butt lift? Hope to hear from you soon. Many thanks.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Shirl: We do Tummy Tucks in combination with Brazilian Butt lifts quite frequently. This gives quite a dramatic result. I'll let Kelly, my patient representative, know so we can arrange a virtual consult. We'd love to help you!
  • diana says:

    Dr. Rodriguez, Im really concerned because 3 years ago when I was only 17 I had silicone injected to my buttocks to slighty increase its size but now I've read that lose silicone could be very harmful to your health.Till this date I haven't had any side effects concerning my health but I do feel like I've lost sensitivity to touch and it also feels very firm but at the same time it moves all around my buttocks all the way to the side of my hips depending on how I sit. I was wondering can I have that silicone removed and then have fat transfer to my buttock instead? I'm thinking that maybe that would bring things to its place how they should be and that peharps I can also recover sensitivity to touch. I look foward to hearing from you. Thank you!!
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Diana: Silicone is not dangerous in itself, as it is used in many medical devices including joint replacement, prosthesis, etc. In your case, the only problems appear to be 1) Loss of sensation, and 2) displacement of the silicon. As far as the loss of sensation, I do not know if we will be able to correct that. On the other hand, it may resolve itself once the silicon is removed. We can remove the silicone and re-inject fat, but it would probably best done in 2 separate surgeries. You would need a C-T scan before to see where the silicon pockets are. In any case, we'd love to help you, call Kelly at so we can start a process going.
  • Julieta says:

    Dr. Rodriguez, I am so happy to have found your site while searching for answers on butt augmentation. No matter what I seem to do, I can't get rid of my gut or lift my butt. I'm a college student and I'm looking to get a Brazillian butt lift for myself for a graduation gift. I don't want to go through life as the funny-shaped hispanic girl. Hopefully, by graduation, I'll have the 18 grand to pay for the procedure. I hope to be seeing you soon! *crosses fingers*
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Julieta: There are many options, including financing. Many people will do a mixture of financing, credit cards and cash. I hope you have a wonderful college career, and enjoy it because these are some of the most important years of your life. If I could take a sabbatical and go back to college for a year then come back to my practice, I would do it in a nano second. Anyways Julieta, you have your full life ahead of you and remember that what may look like a funny-shape to you may be another person's dream figure!
  • Ria says:

    Hi Dr. Rodriguez, Im so happy I came across your post, it was so informative. I'm 19 years old and I really want this procedure done for my 21st. I'm black with quite broad shoulders which I think is incredibly unattractive, and I think this procedure can balance me out. Plus I can always deny surgery it is my own fat.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Ria: Thanks for the post. I do hope you get to do the procedure as it really does change your total figure.
  • Denise williams says:

    My body is beat up from having kids and by me having them my body just changed from a good looking size 10 to 12 to a size 17 and my butt is flat and i would like to get my body fat injected in my butt so please can i have some info on the surgery thanks
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Denise: You sound like the right candidate. I'd love to help you out. Contact Kelly at She will send you all the info you need. Hope to see you soon!
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Ann: If you are under age, you need your parents consent. If you are over 18, you can have it when you want. At the other end of the scale, as long as you are in good health, you can get it done. We'd love to hear from you!
  • osheka gougisha says:

    i want a bigger butt but i want it to look all natural. the problem is i have no fat I'm 110 pounds. do u have anything like some pills or something i can take to gain some fat? because i want the fat transfer in not the but implants.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Osheka: You'd be surprised how much fat you can get from even small slender people. I have done brazilian butt lifts on a 95 pound and a 105 pound woman. As far as gaining weight, its all calories in, calories out. Just eat calorie rich food. Give us a call, we'd lovwe to evaluate your case!
  • Shasha says:

    I also wanted to add that I am still in the process of weight lost and my goal is btwn 160 and 180 . Thanks again
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Shasha: That's great! You will see as you achieve your goals you can be proud of what you accomplish yourself. Especially after you see people who get stuck in their old selves and can't escape. I believe in you. Write back to me every 10 pounds you lose, make it a goal!
  • Shasha says:

    Hello Dr. Rodriquez, I'm 17 years old n weigh in the 200s reigion.. I really want to do tthis procedure because my but is flat. I want a more round,plump butt because I really have a low self esteem. I also want to know if my age is appropriate for undergoing this procedure with the consent and guidance of my parents. Thank you
  • Silvana says:

    Hallo, Ik heb een platte achterwerk en het hand wel een beetje, en heb ook wel last van lovehandles. Ik wil graag een Braziliaanse figuur hebben wat kan je mij het beste aanraden en hoeveel kost het?
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Silvana: Your post, translated into English by Google, says: "I have a flat bottom and the hand a bit, and I also suffer from love handles . I would like to have a Brazilian figure what you can advise me best and how much does it cost ?" The answer is that as long as you are healthy you are a candidate for Brazilian Butt lift. Contact Kelly at, and she will be more than happy to talk to you about pricing. Thanks for reading our blog!
  • Tanisha says:

    I know this is a silly question, but is it possible to get the Nikki Minaj effect with the Brazilian butt lift? I'm extremely interested, and I have a nice figure (smaller waist, hips, n all). And I have a fairly nice butt already, but id like it a lot bigger! I don't want to go through the whole procedure, and pay a lot of money for just a small difference though. So i just want to know if it can be done that big, or close. Or if its just that doctors wont attempt it, or it cant be done. Because if i can get a look like that, but for my frame, the Brazilian butt lift is definitely in my future. or so i hope lol! Also im a massage therapist, and i was wondering how the Brazilian butt lift may factor in to that with me returning to work. We use a lot of body mechanics, and some lifting, and stretching. Would that b possible with the lipo after just 2 wks?
  • Pepsi says:

    Hello Dr. Rodriquez, I have a nice shape but i would like to have a bigger butt. I understand that the liposuction of the love handles and stomach will give me an appearance of having a good waist to hip to butt proportion but i would like to have more roundness on the top of my butt as well. Do you also lipo the lower back to give a more prominent distinction? My hips give the appearance that i would have a voluptuous butt, but truth is its not as big as my hips (from the front ) makes people think. My hips do lie! lol i know that i wouldn't be able to sit for atleast 3 wks, thats not a problem because I'm a hair stylist and i want to know if the recovery time will be jeopardized by me standing as much as i do. (I'm hoping it won't drop like the rapper Nikki Minaj's butt has) I'm doing hair sometimes at least 5 hrs at one time. I've been searching for the best place for 3yrs now and was even very tempted to go south of the border to get what i want. how soon can i get a consultation?
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Pepsi: It sounds like you are a perfect candidate for Brazilian Butt lift. As far as your concern for the type of fallout Nikki Minaj has had, I think it is not a concern the way I do my Butt Lifts. Generally we inject a lateral column of fat on the posterior part of the lateral thigh. This serves as a column of support for the buttock. We know it works well, and as a matter of fact have gone on to use it for people who have a saggy butt after liposuction to the outer thighs. Contact Kelly at We'd love to hear from you!
  • Saje Washington says:

    Hi Dr. Rodriguez. I am 21 years old. For the longest, I've been dieting and exercising to try to sculpt a more sensuous body. I find that I gain more fat in unwanted areas, causing my figure to be less flattering. I waste money in months to a year purchasing the latest body shapers that promise to create curves like Kim Kardashian. They all become very uncomfortable at the end of the day. This is something I am serious about getting done. Dr. how/where do I start the process? Thank you.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Saje: It sounds like you are a perfect candidate for either liposuction or Brazilian Butt Lift. The best way to start the process is to contact Kelly at She will send you some info then we can arrange for a virtual consultation if you live far or a consultation in our office. We are looking forward to seeing you. We'd love to help you!
  • Nadia says:

    Hey there! I've been considering Brazilian Butt Lift surgery for quite some time now. But i'm just not sure if there are other options, i'm already a slim, petite 22y/o and I really don't gain weight, but I really want to proportionate my body, since I have bigger breasts, and a not so round, shapely booty. I want to fit dresses and jeans very nicely and not be insecure anymore, but I definitely don't want anything foreign in my body. ( Like Buttock Implants ) If i'm too thin to get liposuction, and not able to gain weight, are there any other options for me? I've tried exercising, and I just don't have what I want. Any other options besides buttock implants? Thank You For Your Time!!
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Nadia: First of all, let me apologise for the delay in answering your post. It has been incredibly busy here even though this is usually a slow time. The best option is fat. You have more than you think. We can do liposuction in various areas and get people at least a proportionate curvy figure. One of our patients weighed only 95 pounds! Have faith, you have a better chance than you think using fat. Contact Kelly at and she'll be more than happy to help you!
  • ashanti says:

    Hello I have been thinking about getting the organic or fat transfer butt lift but I have no idea how much does the procedure usually run. I want to go really big, like a female rapper named Nicki Minaj for example.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Ashanti: Contact kelly at for more info about cost. I have seen Nicki's pictures. She is unique, and not everybody can look like her. What we can do for you is change your body proportions to maximize the contrast between waist and hips. You would be surprised how much your body can change!
  • EDEL says:

    Hi, I am 21 and i am overweight,when i put on weight the weight goes straight to my stomach and my thighs, i weight 16stone and i was 10stone,i am not curvy and i have absolutley no confidence in myself and i dont have a social life anymore because i find it hard to get clothes that suit me.I never had this problem before and i really need your help,i am from ireland so i would like to get a quotation if that is possible. Regards, Edel
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Edel: If you are interested in a quotation, contact But Edel, seriously, beauty is only skin deep. I am sure many people love you just the way you are. Sure, get the lipo if you want, but it is not going to give you confidence in yourself. Your best asset is your mind, and that does not change, wether you weigh 10 or 16 stone. Go out, smell the flowers, there's a lot of beauty to be enjoyed!
  • nikki boo says:

    hey i would like a brazilian butt lift but nervous because i never had a butt but have large breast and kinda want to take te fat from there. also im in nyc! what can i do exactly or do u know a place here!
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Nikki: Although liposuction to the breast is not common, it is appropriate in certain circumstances. In your particular case, I would need to see pictures of you and do an evaluation to see where it is best to harvest fat from. It is not just a matter of taking it from one area and putting it in another, but finding the most suitable fat for transfer. It still may be the breast, but it may be another area. We do see a lot of patients from out of town and I have done many patients from the NYC area. Contact Kelly ( ) if you are interested in an evaluation.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Synobia: Kelly at can give you a good idea of pricing as well as more details on the procedure. We'd love to hear from you!
  • MARIA says:

    i would like to nkow how much cost the brazilian butt aumentation and how fall are u from orlando florida
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Maria: I am in Baltimore. About 30% of our patients are from out of town. We have a routine set up for those patients. We'd love to see you! As far as the cost and other details, you can contact Kelly at
  • Renee Dickerson says:

    I had a Brazilian butt lift and it didn't work out for me at all and my doctor had photos just as you do on your website! Now I followed all rules I didn't seat for 3 weeks I keep on my garments as directed. I'm not happy at all. I have made this clear to my Doctor. Should I have him redo do it or try a new Doctor?
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Renee: Try to work it out with your surgeon. I'm sure he is as disappointed as you are with his result. All of us really want the best for our patients. Having said that, check out how he does his fat grafting. This blog post tells you some of the details of how to properly process fat cells to ensure success. Make sure whoever does your next procedure is processing the fact correctly, otherwise your results may disappoint you again. Call Kelly at for more details.
  • Olivia says:

    Hi, I've been thinking about butt augmentation for a while because i really do need it. I'm so flat and when I gain weight all the fat goes straight to my midsection making me look even flatter. I had breast augmentation 6 wks ago and wonder how long do i have to wait to have this kind of procedure done?. Also, is it guaranteed to be permanent like implants or like I've read most likely the fat will be absorbed by my body and It would have been a waste of time and money? I live in San Antonio TX, do you know of any surgeons in my city that specialize in buttocks injections? How can I know exactly how much this procedure would cost for me? Thanks in advance
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Olivia: When done right, fat grafts are permanent. Read this blogpost and this other one to learn more about successful fat grafting. I do not know of any surgeons that do this surgery in San Antonio. We do out of patients all the time, so if you're interested, let Kelly know at Hope this helps!
  • Sarah says:

    I also forgot to mention that I'm not a big girl. I weigh about 130 and I'm 5'7". So I'm not looking for something to help with extra skin or fat.. just the cellulite and saddlebags.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Sarah: Weight itself has very little to do with what may be of help to you. What is more important is what your goals are. As far as solutions for cellulite and saddlebags, no matter which way you analyse it, you will have to deal with the skin and fat because they are the ones creating the visual disturbance. Unfortunately, no creams, laser, or noninvasive techniques show good results against saddlebags and cellulite. I have seen plenty of miracle therapies come and go, yet every year millions of dollars are wasted on ineffective "non-surgical" options for cellulite and saddlebags. Have a great weekend and thank you for visiting our blog!
  • Sarah says:

    Hi, I have A LOT of cellulite and I have saddlebags. I'm pretty happy with the look of my butt but cannot stand my thighs/saddlebags. I was wondering if either a butt lift or a thigh lift help with cellulite? and also would a butt lift or thigh lift help with saddlebags?
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Sarah: It all depends on the amount of excess skin you have. Stand in front of a mirror and grab the skin on your waist and pull up, as if you were hiking up a pair of pants or a skirt. If you like the look you get, you would probably benefit from some kind of lift. If it doesn't change the look, then maybe lipo is the tool to get the job done. In yet other cases, if the patient wants fuller hips, fat injections might be of help. All this advice, of course, is meaningless without seeing you (or pictures) and having a discussion about exactly what it is you want to accomplish. We do offer virtual consultations, and if you are interested in getting an informed opinion, contact Kelly at We'd love to hear from you!
  • Judy says:

    Hi Dr.Rodriguez, I am 20 years old and over weight i want the surgery as a way to improve my health but i feel it will not work since i am over weight. Advice plz ? Thank You, Judy
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Judy: To properly answer this question, I would need to see pictures and get more details, such as your weight, how long have you been at your present weight, etc. As a general rule, liposuction surgery is body contouring surgery, not weight reduction surgery. Your body will change shape, but your weight will vary little, if any. If you are interested in a consultation, contact Kelly at
  • aurora sanchez says:

    hi i just want to know if i can get a brazilian butt lift i just got a c-section.what is the recommended time to wait.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Aurora: Wait 4 months after the C-Section until you are fully recovered. By that time the abdominal muscles are fully healed and any fat redistribution after the baby is born is well on its way. We'd love to hear from you! Call kelly at
  • Chantell says:

    Hi Dr. Rodriguez, I am a 19 year old who is very interested in getting the Brazilian butt lift. I am fairly petite but I do have quite a bit of fat on my stomach I would love to get rid of. So I was wondering, should I try and lose some of the fat in my belly before I get the surgery or would this procedure actually benefit from the belly fat? Seeing as how the fat would go to my rear? Also I was wondering what is the healing process like? How long before I can actually go back to work and continue with my regular day-to-day?
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Chantell: As a rule, I tell my patients they should come to surgery at a weight they fell comfortable in. The reason is that the result is the most predictable when the patient does not have any weight changes after surgery. You are correct, the fat from the belly is placed in the buttocks. As for the healing process, it takes 3 weeks for the fat to become fully integrated, so I don't want patients to sit for three weeks after surgery. Some people think this is too long and other people may tell you you can go back to work before that, but consider this: In 5 years I have yet to bring somebody back because the fat grafts did not take. We're delighted to hear from you Kelly at will be happy to help you.
  • cynthia says:

    I am a 49 years old woman who is seriously contemplating getting a body-lift this summer. My lower abs has no elasticity, my thighs have fat pockets and my butt needs some shape…exercising has not given me the results I desire. In addition, I am a curvy woman who needs to lose 20 to 30 pounds. Should I lose weight before the surgery? Because I live two hours from your office, should I prepare to stay in MD for a week? How do I position my body after the body-lift procedure if I cannot sit or lie on my stomach?
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Hi Cynthia, thanks for the interest. Generally, I like to do surgery when people are at their stable weight, that is a weight they know they can keep. The trouble when people say "I'll lose another 20-30 pounds" is that they may or may not lose the weight. If they do, great, but if they don't, they can get very discouraged and then not do the surgery either. They miss out on an opportunity to improve their look a lot, even if it's not "perfect". If they have the surgery, it can serve as a stimulus to stay in control, as they are now much more invested and have positive results to keep. Having said that, I'd have to look at your pictures to better know where we're standing. I think you should call Kelly (or email at so we can set up a virtual consultation over the phone. I'd love to see you, let's talk over the phone with your pictures on file and I'll be able to suggest a plan of action, whether you have surgery or not. Happy New Year!
  • Dede says:

    I am very interested in getting the Butt Augmentation. I am 31 yrs old and have 3 children. I have never been happy with my butt all my life, and now after kids I am not happy with my abdomen and butt area. I reside in Columbus, OH. I would not have a problem coming to your practice, but I dont think I would be able to stay no more than a day after surgery. What would you suggest?
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Brazilian Butt Lift is outpatient surgery, but that does not mean you go on with your life as if nothing had happened. As a matter of fact, you have to recover from the surgery and make sure you do not sit for 3 weeks. That takes a level of commitment. At age 31 you are still young and could get a long lasting benefit, but you would have to figure out who would take care of the kids. We have lots of out of town patients, but they stay here 7 to 10 days to make sure everything is alright. Happy New Year!
  • Shanice Franklin says:

    I am a 22year old woman. I just had my first baby! Oct16, I had a c-section. I want toget a butt lift but I don't know if I need liposuction or just a butt lift. I would like to see what u think. I live in pittsburgh pa,and I have big breast. I wanted toget them down to a D or a full C. And can u tell me what type prices range I'm looking at? Thank u!
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Shanice: For pricing info, talk to Kelly at The decision to get a butt lift or not depends on several things. Is your skin too loose? in that case, liposuction might not be such a great idea. Sometimes if you have a lot of fat in the lower back and love handles area, doing lipo to your midsection might really enhance your butt. As far as breast reduction, I do breast reduction with a single scar. You might want to check out our procedure information and photo gallery. Thanks for checking us out, and we're looking forward to hearing from you! Happy new year!
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Meme: We will get Kelly at to contact you. Thanks for checking out our site! Happy Holidays!
  • C (Princess & The Pea) says:

    So far I've seen a lot of emphasis placed on looks - but what if you're someone with an extremely flat buttock area? So flat that you have pain when you sit down for periods longer than five or six minutes and when sitting you can feel your bones digging into the chair. I'm currently wondering if some pain I have is sciatic nerve pain based on my extreme lack of buttocks. I've thought for years that my stomach and butt got confused about who was supposed to store the fat. If a friend had not mentioned this procedure was real, I'd have thought it frantic daydreaming imaginings that could never be fulfilled. Is it possible to have such a procedure done with the focus on comfort of sitting vs perky looks? And how low does one's blood pressure and blood sugar have to be to promote good healing?
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Princess C or is it just C? :) Great question. You are right, a bony prominence with very little soft tissue cover can be painful. In your particular case, you bring up the possibility of sciatic nerve compression, and that would require examination by an orthopedic surgeon or neurologist to rule out. As for your blood pressure and blood sugar, all you need is clearance by a Medical Doctor, such as your family physician, that you are fit for surgery. Finally, we can definitely gear the procedure to fit your need for comfort. I have injected fat in areas I would have never thought possible, such as the feet, outer hips, etc. We do a lot of fat injections in our clinic, and we'd love3 to help you. Contact Kelly at
  • Rob says:

    I workout and don't have muck fat except for a tiny bit in my mid stomach area and my butt won't react to my workout. I am a male 51 years. What do you suggest?
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Rob: It is very hard to give opinions without knowing more details. For example; what are you trying to accomplish? Pictures also help. If you are interested, contact Kelly at We'd love to hear from you!
  • chantisha morton says:

    I want to get butt injection. But I want most of the fat to come from my side and inner tights. My kids left my body all out of shape. I need help
  • Tanisha says:

    I am interested in getting liposuction to my saddlebags, stomach, arms and back. I would like to get the fat injected into my buttocks as well as a brazilain butt lift. I have 2 children and with the rapid weight loss, I have lost my butt and thighs and no longer like the way I fill clothes out. With all the weight loss, I still have a belly, big arms and a rolly back. What would be my best options since working out hasn't helped much.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      After pregnancy and weight loss the skin can get stretched. After pregnancy, the abdominal muscles can get separated (see my post on abdominal muscles). In your particular case we would have to see pictures in order to best plan what needs to be done. It could be just lipo and fat transfer to the butt, or tummy tuck plus lipo plus fat transfer to the butt. If you are healthy, you sound like a great candidate. We'd love to hear from you. Drop Kelly a line at
  • Elizabeth says:

    I hear that the majority of the fat is taken from the abdomen and thighs. Would it also be possible for you to take out fat from the arms, back and maybe a bit from the neck/jaw area? (if there was enough fat, of course)
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      We do harvest a lot of fat from other areas. Basically, the procedure is a redistribution of fat, so we go take the fat from wherever we can find it. Fell free to ask Kelly at for more info.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Cutting the fat out would leave big scars. Then you would have the problem of how to put it into small enough particles to fit it through a very small cannula. Besides, the lipo is just as important a part of the process as it helps reshape the other parts of the body, to create the curves that lead nicely into the butt. Thanks for your interest!
  • groohociary says:

    I'm a teenager and not over wieght but I can't seem to get rid of the cellulite on the back of my legs? Are there any specific workouts that target that area. I need to know how to get rid of cellulite on thighs. thanks
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Knowing you are a teenager I was going to suggest just losing a little more weight. Then I decided to look at the link. I have been around for a while and can tell you every 2-3 years a new latest and greatest cellulite treatment comes around. They never last because they don't work. If you look at those two girls pictures carefully, you will see they both are 1- Young, and 2- Lost weight. Don't waste your money on fly by night creams.
  • shug avery says:

    Dr Rodriquez never ansered the question about kneeling, streching after the brazilian butt lift, and whether or not the butt out compression garments are ok after the fat injection procedure. Thanks
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Thanks for the reminder! There area few issues here. The first is "pressure"- On the one hand, you want to have enough pressure to prevent swelling. Swelling happens as the healing process makes blood vessels leaky to allow healing cells and proteins to get to the surgical field. If you have too much fluid buildup it impairs transport of healing contents and can even increase risk of infection. The pressure needed to drive that excess fluid back into the veins and lymphatic channels is relatively low, and compression garments are designed to deliver this kind of pressure. That is why butt out garments are NOT good. They allow for fluid buildup in the surgical area. See this post about swelling. On the other hand, too much pressure occludes the arteries that deliver nutrients to the tissues. These pressures are about 10-12 times greater than the pressures delivered by a compression garment. They are generated by sitting or laying on your butt. During the early period of establishment of blood supply to the grafted fat cells this can be fatal to the cells. That is why sitting is not recommended for 3 weeks after surgery. The second issue is "shear stress"- Shear stress occurs when one plane of tissue moves against another. Imagine two strands of tissue held together by very thin threads. If you move the fabric layers against each other, the threads will break and the tissues will separate. If, on the other hand, they are held by velcro, the two strands of tissue will hold very well. In the buttocks tissue the same situation exists between the layers of fatty tissue, muscle and skin. A lot of motion or sliding of layers relative to each other can disrupt the "thin threads" (blood vessels) and again impair circulation. For these reasons a lot of stretching or motion is not ideal either.
  • Michelle says:

    Dr. Rodriguez: I'm interested in the Brazilin butt lift, but question to you is if I were to do this procedure and later down the line i had lose some weight will I lose my new butt...
    • admin says:

      At some point, if you lose enough body fat, you will lose whatever gains you had. The trick is to plan to take fat cells from areas where you find it hardest to lose weight and place those hard to lose cells in the butt. Even if you lose weight in those cells, they are still alive, so if you gain weight again you will see the first effects in the butt. When a Brazilian Butt Lift is planned correctly, the butt is the last place you will lose fat from, and the first place to gain it.
  • Mona says:

    Dear Dr. Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez, My name is Mona I am 26 years old married and have a son 3 years old and I am from Dubai, United Arab Emirates and I heard about you from a freind of mine also from a plastic surgery program they once broadcasted on E about plastic surgery. I have been wanting to do the Brazilian butt lift for soo long and a breast lift without implants. I have a couple of questions that I would like to ask in regards to the 2 procedures Brazilian butt lift: 1) when you do the lipsuction procedure to remove the fat (which I am dreaming off) from my inner thigh and outer in longterm would that create bloating of the fat in the abdominal area? 2) Does the brazilian butt lift make the butt look larger (cause I dont want that, I just want it to look lifted and perky. 3) will I be able to get pregnant again? Breast lift : 1) Plastic surgery here in the UAE is the worst ever and the Dr's here are not really that qualified because there is no strong healthcare law here. so my freind did a freind lift and smaller at the same time, but when I saw her breast they were totally out of propotion and that really scared me. Also please forgive my ignorance but is it true that any breast procedure could risk high chances of breast cancer? 2) Last but not least if I do the breast lift will that affect me breast feeding? Thank you sooo much Dr for your time and efforts to answer my questions, Waiting to hear from you soon Kind Regards Mona
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Dear Mona: Thank you for writing, and you are blessed for living in such an exciting place. I will try to answer your questions in an orderly way by referring to the same numbering of your questions. Brazilian butt lift:
      1. The "bloating" you are referring to is the process of fat redistribution. As the fat cells are taken from one area (thighs), the body will store excess fat in other areas. Sometimes it is concentrated in just one place, as you alluded to, in the abdominal area. Other times it can be in the buttocks or anterior and posterior thigh.
      2. The Brazilian Butt lift does make the butt larger, that is because you inject fat into it. If that is your concern, you might consider the "B'more Butt Lift" which relies more on sculpting the areas surrounding the buttocks and allowing the process of fat redistribution to work on your favor and create a perkier bottom.
      3. Yes, you will be able to get pregnant.
      Breast lift
      1. There is absolutely NO evidence that breast procedures increase risk of cancer. As a matter of fact in the early routine screening before we do surgery, we have uncovered in a few cases very early stages of cancer that have been treated successfully. These women would probably not have discovered their cancer until it was too late.
      2. A breast lift can be planned in such a way that it does not affect breastfeeding. Of course, we would have to examine each case individually but if we are not reducing tissue, the gland and part of the areola can be kept intact for breastfeeding.
      I hope this helps you make your decision.
  • Katherine mackey says:

    I am interested in the brazilian butt lift can you please email me more information such as do u have to stay over night in the hospital fo this procedure. Thank you
  • meme says:

    I wanna know how much does the procedure cost? How long has the dorctor been doing the injections? How long does it usually take to heal? How many time do you have to go throught the procedure? Is there a payment plan?
  • Val says:

    I am 5'7" and weigh 136, I am 42 yrs old. No children. I just had a consultation and he said I didn't have enough fat. He may have been concerned about the ability of my skin to contract back due to my age. Could you harvest from my arms, abdomen, flanks, and I have a tiny amount in the saddlebag area. I could also gain about 4 lbs. I have seen some before and after pictures and the women looked as slender as me in their before photos.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      Without looking at a patient, or pictures of the patient, it is impossible to guess whether they will have enough fat for a Brazilian Butt Lift. Another issue is what the patient expects. In other words, the amount of augmentation depends on what the patient has. If the patient is slender, but wants only a proportional enhancement, then it is possible to fulfill her expectations. If the patient is slender but is expecting Kim Kardashian look, she will probably be disappointed.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      "Could you harvest from my arms, abdomen, flanks, and I have a tiny amount in the saddlebag area." The short answer is yes, the long one is that I would have to see pictures, etc and talk to you to get a more specific idea of what is possible. The best way to do that is with a virtual consultation.
  • jessica says:

    What is the cost for a brazillian butt. And do you have to take time off of work. I drive about 2 hrs a day 1 in the morning and 1 going home will that affect the surgery. Also where is your office located.
  • Aida says:

    Hello, I want to know if with the brazilian butt I can get cellulite, and if I excercise if it can fade away.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      I have not heard any of my patients complain about cellulite after Brazilian Butt Lift. Remember, we harvest cells from the areas you find it hardest to lose weight from and then those cells are put on your buttocks. You will tend to lose weight from other areas before you lose it from the transplanted cells in your buttocks. We find most patients look even better after a year.
  • Shanna says:

    I have always been very insecure about my butt. I was teased growing up about having a flat butt. I am 30yrs old, and I interesting in learning more about butt injections. I do not feel comfortable going out in public when everyone around has a nice butt, and I don't. I feel ashamed and less like a woman when I don't have the curves.
  • Lisa Serry says:

    I am VERY interested in the brazilian buttock surgery. This is an area that ive always struggled with and was even teased about growing up. I have done exercises but it seems like nothing has helped. The only problem is that I live in Washington state and have no desire in traveling for the procedure. Are there any doctors in this area that has the same knowledge and experience with this surgery? Another question is if i where to get breast implants, which procedure would be the best to do first?
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      I honestly don't know who has experience in your area. My only advice is to use google, make phone calls and ask questions. Many people are advertising the procedure. Make sure the surgeon uses a syringe technique of extraction, which minimizes trauma to the cells. The surgeon should also centrifuge the cells, and do a microinjection technique.
  • sandra brown says:

    i am very interested in the butt lift i am in my mid thirties i have three children since giving birth to my second child i have been diagnoised with having very high blood pressure will this pose as a threat to me having such a procedure done.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      As long as your Blood Pressure is monitored by your physician and well controlled there should be no problem with surgery.
  • Ms.Miller says:

    Well doc, I'm 30 years old and I'm overweight I weight 232lbs. I have huge breast they are 46DD, my stomach looks like I'm about 7-8 months pregnant. I have lost weight before and starting to lost weight now. My first question: Is it best to lose weight before I get the butt lift and Can you take the fat from my breast and stomach to do the butt lift. The second question:If I would to lose the weight with the butt lift will my butt go to when I reach my goal weight.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      You need to get on a medically supervised weight loss program before you contemplate surgery. After your weight is stable for a few months then we can have a concrete idea as to wether you need a lift or lipo or whatever. If you are going to do something now I would recommend the breast reduction, as it would make you feel better and decrease neck pain and back pain. It will also help you do exercise better.
  • Nadia says:

    I've always wondered that if I were to get the Brazilian Butt Lift done, and by getting the liposuction, does it leave any type of scarring on the abdomen from where you take the fat? Also, injecting it into the buttocks does that leave any scarring? If there is any scarring at all, how bad is it? Thanks for your help!! This site is VERY helpful!
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      The scars are very minimal. We're talking up to 1/4 inch at the most, and in well hidden places, like the belly button, mons pubis, and buttocks creases. BTW, if you think our site is helpful, spread the word!
  • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

    Andrene, These are all excellent questions and I will devote an entire post to the answers. Thank you for your contribution.
  • Andrene says:

    My questions have to do with the two to three week recovery period after the Brazilian Butt Lift. If you cannot sit directly on your butt, will bending over, squatting and stretching your butt damage the fat injections? Or if you kneel down and then lightly rest your butt on your heels (with the majority of your weight on your knees) will that also cause indentations in the new fat? Won't the compression garments flatten out the "new" and improved butt? Or should you wear one of those garments that have the butt cut out and missing? thanks so much.
  • sherice says:

    i would like to know how much does it costs for the butt injections without liposuctions and also what kind of payment methods are available. i am 5'7 38dd with a 34 waist my backside needs some plumpin up like yesterday help.
    • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

      hello Sherice, The brazilian butt lift uses the fat removed in liposuction to plump out your buttocks. Therefore, liposuction is required for the procedure. Using your own fat is the most natural way to enhance your buttocks and gives the best results. I only use fat injections (your own) , as opposed to other types of fillers. Please read more about the brazilian butt lift procedure and how it offers the most long lasting results. You can find costs on that page or call Kelly, our Patient Coordinator.
  • Susan says:

    I have been researching this procedure for over two years now, trying to find a doctor who will give me the results I desire. I have found that though many doctor's perform this procedure, they can not gaurantee lasting results and patients have to have the procedure done more than once in order to maintain the fat in the buttocks area. In your experiences doctor, have your patients lost a significant amount of fat that was injected into the buttocks?
  • Kecia says:

    I read that sometimes the fat injections don't take/work is that true? I was wondering if this procedure will help my get more of a hour glass shape. I have the perfect box shape 36-33-40. Barely a "B". I am 30 and somewhat like the size of my legs and arms but my mid section is trifling. I am 5'4" and about 145. Oh, did I mention I don't have a butt? I have not had any kids yet and I also wanted to know if this procedure or any other procedure will increase my chances of getting stretch marks.
  • Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez says:

    Hello Yonce, In order to transfer fat to the buttocks, you must have enough fat donation. Taking fat just from the abdomen is barely enough to augment the butt. However, you would have to be evaluated to know for sure. Also, it is important to lipo the flanks because it adds contour to the buttocks. Liposuction of just two areas may not yield enough fat for fat donation to two areas (butt and thighs). However, we would be able to tell you more with photos. Please call the office to find out more. Dr. Ricardo L Rodriguez, MD
  • Yonce says:

    I read the blog about the Brazilian butt lift goal and my goal is to have a bigger butt simmilar to Jennifer Lopez. I do not want to get lipo on my legs because I actually feel I am too skinny so I don't want to lose the fat in my thighs can the fat in my abdomen be enough to make transfer the fat injections to the glutes? Is it actually possible that I can add more inches to my glutes with this procedure and can I also add fat to my thighs? My ultimate goal is to look more curvier and voluptuous!