Body Lift Cost in Baltimore

woman holding her extra skin and fat after weight loss as she contemplates body lift costs

What is a Body Lift?

A body lift removes hanging skin around your entire torso: abdomen, outer thighs, and posterior buttocks. It is increasingly popular now that patients are using weight loss drugs such as Ozempic, Semaglutide, and Wegovy.

How Much Does a Body Lift Cost?

The cost of a body lift can vary significantly based on the scope of the procedure and additional expenses. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the average cost of a lower body lift surgery is $9,449, but that only covers the surgeon’s fee. It doesn’t include things like anesthesia, operating room, and other associated costs.

Meanwhile, RealSelf reports an average cost of $16,425 for a body lift, with patient reviews indicating a range from $10,300 with insurance to as much as $40,000 out of pocket.

Body lift cost in my Baltimore surgery center

At our Baltimore office, the cost of a body lift ranges from $17,500 to $21,000. Our comprehensive price includes the surgeon’s fee, anesthesia, operating room facilities, 2 medical grade compression garments, Exparel injection, and all post op office visits.

With Dr. Rodriguez, your body lift with include the following surgical components:

  • Tummy tuck with muscle repair
  • Outer thigh lift
  • Posterior Buttocks Lift

body lift patient before and after surgery
This patient in her 50s chose a lower body lift to achieve a smoother, more contoured silhouette.

Is there an alternative to the lower body lift?

If you’re wondering if you’d benefit from a full body lift or if there any alternatives to a body lift, it’s important to know that some people opt to have just the tummy tuck and the outer thigh lift when the amount of loose skin over the buttocks isn’t significant. This is known as the Extended Tummy Tuck, and patients can have a dramatic body change with just that.

Extended Tummy Tuck as an alternative to a Body Lift

The cost range for an extended tummy tuck here at my Baltimore office is $9,450 to $14,000, depending on how far around the hip the incision goes. Learn more about the tummy tuck component and the extended tummy tuck. The patient below had an extended tummy tuck instead of a standard tummy tuck. She had skin removed over her hips. By doing this she avoided the need for a Body Lift.

patient before and after a body lift alternative procedure, the extended tummy tuck
Dr. Rodriguez was able to meet this patient’s goals with an extended tummy tuck as opposed to a full-body lift.

Factors Influencing the Cost of a Body Lift

Let’s take a look at the factors that influence lower body lift costs and go over what you can expect.

While the formula above is a basic surgical cost guideline for our office, every plastic surgeon is different and may or may not include those things in their quote, too. The full list of items that contribute to the total cost of a body lift include the following:

  • Surgeon’s fee
  • Anesthesia fee
  • Facility (OR) fee
  • Compression garments
  • Pain control
  • Post-op visits
  • Geographic location
  • Extent of your surgical plan
  • How much extra skin you have

Why Choose Dr. Rodriguez for your Body Lift?

Dr. Rodriguez is Board Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, has served as the President of the Maryland State Society of Plastic Surgeons. Here are reasons to choose him:

Over 100 Body Lift Procedures performed — With over 25 years of experience, he has performed thousands of cosmetic and reconstructive procedures, including over one hundred body lift procedures. With such a depth of knowledge and experience, Dr. Rodriguez brings unparalleled expertise to every surgery.

Fully Accredited Surgery Center — As the medical director, Dr. Rodriguez operates out of his own free-standing, single-specialty surgery center, which is fully accredited and licensed by AAASF and Medicare. His dedication to maintaining the highest standards of patient care and safety ensures exceptional outcomes for all his patients.

Direct Cell phone access to your surgeon postoperatively — Following surgery, patients have direct access to Dr. Rodriguez by cell phone in the event they have any immediate post-op questions.

IV Sedation instead of General Anesthesia — With IV sedation you do not have a tube through your nose and you are breathing on your own. With IV sedation patients leave the same day, have less nausea and pain post-operatively, and have a lower risk for pulmonary embolism. All anesthesia is administered by Board Certified Anesthesiologists, and not CRNAs (nurses).

Lockwood Surgical Technique — Dr. Rodriguez believes the Lockwood technique achieves the best surgical results with the least amount of postoperative complications. It preserves the blood supply better than traditional tummy tuck dissection techniques, and results in less complications related to fluid collection.

Speaks Spanish, French, and English — Dr. Rodriguez and members of the office and OR staff are fluent in Spanish. In addition to English and Spanish, Dr. Rodriguez is also fluent in French.

Tips for price shopping a body lift procedure

When selecting a plastic surgeon for your body lift, it’s essential to consider more than just the cost. You need to be comfortable with your doctor’s level of expertise and the approach to your procedure.

Confirm which components are included in the quote: You must compare apples to apples when shopping around.  Some offices might only quote the surgeon’s fee, and you may not have a firm idea of what the anesthesia cost will be.

A quote should describe the procedures involved: Your quote should detail what the Body Lift Cost includes on the quote itself. A lower Body Lift includes a tummy Tuck, Outer Thigh Lift, and Posterior Buttocks Lift.

Post Op office visits: Total cost should include all post-op office appointments with the surgeon for a period of time, which is usually one year.

Anesthesia: Anesthesia price should not fluctuate with this choice of whether it is IV anesthesia or General Anesthesia. The price should be the same.

Revision Costs: The body lift is a huge surgery. When a surgeon is performing such a major procedure, there are sometimes small refinements that need to be performed later. Find out what local revision cost is.

Access to your surgeon: One factor largely overlooked when patients are price-shopping is IF they can contact their surgeon directly by cell phone after surgery. We have heard reports of patients who have had highly discounted surgery and are unable to get in contact with their surgeon after surgery.

Insurance considerations: While body lift procedures are often considered cosmetic and not typically covered by medical insurance, there are instances where insurance may provide coverage.

Financing considerations: We offer options from third-party financing companies in the healthcare industry and encourage you to take a look at our page dedicated to financing plastic surgery in Baltimore.

Is a Body Lift worth it?

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Before and after this patient in her 60s elected to remove excess skin after losing over 100 lbs. (front view)

A body lift is a life-changing, transformative procedure designed to remove excess skin that sags around the middle. If you’ve lost a significant amount of weight and are dealing with sagging skin, this procedure is for you. It is one of my favorite procedures to perform because it makes such a dramatic change.

Banner image listing reasons to choose Dr. R for your body lift: 25+ years of experience, former Yale faculty, thousands of surgeries, accredited surgery center, IV sedation by certified anesthesiologists, Lockwood technique, blends modern and traditional methods, focuses on safety and natural results, fluent in Spanish, French, and English.

By Dr. Ricardo L. Rodriguez MD Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Cosmeticsurg Baltimore, Maryland Ricardo L. Rodriguez on American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

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