Board-Certified, American Board of Plastic Surgery Founder, Ricardo L. Rodriguez MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon Medical Director, Cosmetic Surgery Facility, LLC
This 40-year-old small-framed patient chose round, textured breast implants filled with less than 250 cc of saline to rejuvenate her figure. Although the implant size was small, it made a big difference to the patient’s figure.
Dr. Rodriguez enhanced this small-framed woman’s figure with a Breast Lift with 350 cc moderate-profile silicone breast implants for a more youthful and lifted appearance.
This Hispanic patient in her 40s opted for a mini tummy tuck (dermatolipectomy), which focuses on tightening the skin on the abdomen and does not tighten the muscle as a full tummy tuck does.
This 21-year-old patient had a condition called tuberous breast deformity which means that the shape of the breasts is like tubes. To correct the shape, Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez performed a Breast Lift with 550 cc high-profile breast implants. The mastopexy was performed by changing the position of the nipple so that the shape of the breasts was lifted. The high-profile breast implants also helped to change the shape of the breasts.
This 50-year-old woman felt her breasts had deflated and become smaller. Dr. Rodriguez replaced her 20-year-old saline implants with 500 cc high-profile saline breast implants using infra-areola nipple incisions. These are incisions placed above the nipple
This patient in her 30s didn’t like the size and shape of her breasts and wanted a significant increase in her bust line. She opted to have her Breast Augmentation with high-profile saline breast implants filled to 480 cc. The breast implants gave her full, natural-looking breasts.