gender | Male |
age | 20s |
ethnicity | Caucasian |
This young (23 YO) male patient underwent gynecomastia surgery to achieve a flatter chest area. The procedure reduced the amount of breast tissue.
Photos of patients Before & After cosmetic surgery procedures performed by Dr. Ricardo L. Rodriguez, Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon in Baltimore, Maryland, who has over 25 years of experience in performing procedures for the buttocks, body, breast, and face.
gender | Male |
age | 20s |
ethnicity | Caucasian |
This young (23 YO) male patient underwent gynecomastia surgery to achieve a flatter chest area. The procedure reduced the amount of breast tissue.
gender | Male |
age | Under 20 |
ethnicity | Caucasian |
Gynecomastia surgery was performed to give this male patient a flatter chest. This surgery can be performed with liposuction or with breast reduction surgery for males. This is a different technique than the female Breast Reduction surgery.
gender | Male |
age | Under 20 |
ethnicity | Caucasian |
This patient had male chest contouring (Gynecomastia surgery) performed. This procedure reduces the size of the male breast tissue, leaving the patient with a flat breast.
gender | Female |
age | 50s |
ethnicity | Afro-American |
After losing 130 pounds, this 38-year-old African American patient had an Arm Lift to remove the hanging excess skin.
gender | Female |
age | 30s |
ethnicity | Caucasian |
A Body Lift can be performed on patients who have not had dramatic weight loss. Some patients have loose skin even without any weight loss. The Body Lift can remove that excess skin and firm up the body profile.
gender | Female |
age | 50s |
ethnicity | Caucasian |
This medium-framed patient is shown 5 weeks after her lower Body Lift (or belt lipectomy) procedure by Dr. Ricardo L. Rodriguez. In addition to excess skin removed, Dr. Rodriguez removed 800 cc of fat by liposuction.
gender | Female |
age | 50s |
ethnicity | Caucasian |
This patient had a body lift to improve her overall body profile. Although she had not had any dramatic weight reduction, the skin was sagging around her stomach, hip, and buttock area. She wanted a tightened body profile. In addition to the excised skin, she also had 1650 cc of fat removed.
gender | Female |
age | 60+ |
ethnicity | Caucasian |
This 64-year-old female had a Blepharoplasty with Dr. Rodrigue to remove excess skin from the upper eyelids to make the eyes more open and youthful.
gender | Female |
age | 50s |
ethnicity | Caucasian |
Lip Lift performed on a 55-year-old, 5-ft, 5-in woman to rejuvenate the mouth area. The result left her final philtrum to vermillion border measurement equal to 1.0 cm (10 mm).
gender | Female |
age | 40s |
ethnicity | Caucasian |
This 49-year-old had 5 mm of skin removed at the base of the nose to lift the upper lip resulting in a more youthful-looking mouth. Originally she had a philtrum to vermillion lip distance of 1.8 cm (18 mm).
gender | Female |
age | 20s |
ethnicity | Caucasian |
Breast Augmentation on a 140 lb, 5 ft 7-inch female with 500 cc High-Profile silicone breast implants inserted at the nipple.
gender | Female |
age | 20s |
ethnicity | Caucasian |
This 27-year-old female had breast augmentation with 375 cc high-profile breast implants.
gender | Female |
age | 20s |
ethnicity | Caucasian |
Breast Augmentation on a 20-year-old female with 500 cc High-Profile silicone breast implants.
gender | Female |
age | 30s |
ethnicity | Afro-American |
This 177 lb, 38-year-old female had 900 cc of fat injected into each buttock cheek.
gender | Female |
age | 40s |
ethnicity | Caucasian |
This 42-year-old female had a Breast Lift with Breast Augmentation in the same operative session with 400 cc moderate-profile silicone breast implants inserted at the top of the nipple line.